The following explanations for methods of transliterations is taken from several sources including: United States Government Printing Office Style Board, 1984 Library of Congress Slavic Transliteration guide Chicago Manual of Style -- 14th edition. There are several systems for tranliterating Ukrainian, some of which are presented here. The US Board on Geographic Names systems was adopted in 1944 which is identical to that usedby the (British) Permanent Committee on Geographical Names put into use at about the same time. The Library of Congress (LC) differs at certain points from that of the Board on Geographic Names. Where there are differences they are indicated. Linguistics systems use diacritics in an attempt to approximate the nature of the Cyrillic alphabet (one symbol to one sound). These systems are preferred mostly with journals of Slavic Studies. The following is written in KOI8 coding. Cyrillic US Board on Library Alphabet Geograhic LC Linguistic Other ASCII Value Names System System Systems Capital Small ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ****** À a Á b  v à h g ¥ g Ä d Å e ª ye ie Æ zh Ç z È y i ² i ¸ yi   É y i j Ê k Ë l Ì m Í n Î o Ï p Ð r Ñ s Ò t Ó u Ô f Õ kh x, ch Ö ts × ch Ø sh Ù shch sch Þ yu iu ju ß ya ia ja Ü ' (soft sign)