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BRAMA Computing and Software Friday, July 26, 2024, 23:07 EDT
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·Brief Explanations of Software Available at this Server
·Configure your PC:
Ukrainianization of Windows/PC/DOS-based Applications
·Configure your Mac:
Ukrainianization of Macintosh by Zenon Feszczak (non-technical)
·RUSTEX-L Cyrillic Encoding FAQ (Technical)
·Cyrillic Encoding Tables (Technical)

·Macintosh (fonts, keyboards, other)
·Unix/Linux (fonts, utility, keybd)
·Windows 3.1 (fonts, keyboards, other)
·Windows 95/98/NT (fonts, keyboards, other)
·DOS (fonts, keyboards, other)

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In order to read items which use the Cyrillic alphabet on your computer it is necessary to have proper fonts installed. What makes it a bit confounding is that there are several computer codings designed to be used with Cyrillic. These include: CP1251, Apple Standard Cyrillic, ISO8859-5, KOI8, and CP866/AV. CP1251, Apple Standard Cyrillic, and ISO8859-5 can accomodate all modern Cyrillic based Slavic languages, including Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Serbian. KOI8 and CP866 codings only enable you to work in Ukrainian, Russian, and Belorussian.

Fonts offer the possibility to view Cyrillic text, but in order to create and edit text it is necessary to have keyboard utilities which enable you to type in Cyrillic.

To these and other ends this website has software for the Macintosh, Windows, and DOS operating systems and, regarding configuration of the Macintosh, specific information is provided.

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