Sakhna Kyrgyz Epic Songs

Columbia University, New York
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2007 at noon

Sakhna artists from Kyrgyzstan will perform epic songs or dastans, as well as traditional music. Event introduced with slides of Kyrgyzstan.404 Dodge Hall.

SAKHNA THEATRE Sakhna means "stage" in Kyrgyz. Sakhna has performed with the Sakhna Theatre Company since its founding in 2002 in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia. Sakhna Theatre is dedicated to reviving the small epics of Kyrgyzstan. The theatre pieces are based on the masterpieces of Kyrgyz oral literatures, one of the richest living folk traditions in the world. The theatre productions use ancient traditional music which the group performs exclusively on folk instruments. They also sing songs in the old traditional style and specialize in dastans or Kyrgyz epic songs that are passed orally from masters to students to this day.