BRAMA: Social Issues in Ukraine Saturday, June 15, 04:18 EDT
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  • Triumph over tragedy: Residents take in Chernobyl children (Canton Journal) 07/29/2005
  • A Lifetime of Memories. Tearful goodbyes mark end of stay for Chernobyl children (Lowell Sun) 07/29/2005

  • Vice Premier Tomenko: Internet must be prevented from becoming 'dirty technologists' tool' in election campaign (Government Portal) 07/27/2005

  • Happiness, Foreign-Style, or The Dangers of Foreign Marriages (День) 07/26/2005
  • Methadone urged for AIDS fight in ex-Soviet states (Reuters) 07/26/2005
  • Yushchenko angers Ukrainian press (BBC) 07/26/2005
  • Global Fund Announces Three-Year, $67M Grant To Fight HIV/AIDS in Ukraine (Medical News Today) 07/26/2005
  • Experts Say Afghan Heroin Spreading AIDS (AP/Yahoo) 07/26/2005

  • Aids follows heroin trail to west (BBC) 07/25/2005
  • Foreign seasonal workers make up a distinct group of drug users (Prague Daily Monitor) 07/25/2005

  • Impact of transition on public health in Ukraine: case study of the HIV/AIDS epidemic [Ukraine has the highest per capita prevalence of HIV infection within Europe—1.4%. This poses a serious threat to the region's social and economic stability. Ukraine is geographically the largest country in Europe, apart from the Russian Federation.] (BMJ) 07/23/2005

  • Human Rights 'Extremely Important' To United States [Goli Ameri, U.S. delegate to U.N. Rights Commission, holds Internet chat] (USDOS) 07/21/2005
  • Graphic Testimony Continues In Massage Therapist Trial [A young Ukrainian woman testified Wednesday that a self-proclaimed Tibetan healer repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted her during what was supposed to be massage therapy for her migraine headaches.] (10News) 07/21/2005
  • Подолання СНІДу: нові можливості для України (VOA) 07/21/2005
  • Secret tapes could blame ex-president over killing (The Scotsman) 07/21/2005
  • Справа Ґонґадзе: Експерти радять провести розслідування про розслідування (Deutsche Welle) 07/21/2005
  • В Україні близько півмільйона ВІЛ-інфікованих (BBC Ukrainian) 07/21/2005
  • Безпритульні діти: кожного третього виганяють батьки (BBC Ukrainian) 07/21/2005

  • National program of prophylaxis of HIV/AIDS needs to be revised, Mykola Tomenko Believes [As of July 1, 2005, 80,000 HIV-infected persons were officially registered in Ukraine, 10,000 of whom were children.] (Government portal) 07/20/2005
  • Girl [recently arrived in the United States from Ukraine with her family] Sexually Assaulted at Florida Hotel (AP/Yahoo) 07/20/2005
  • Помилуйте мене, Президенте! Щомісяця до глави держави звертається близько двох тисяч засуджених із проханням про помилування (Україна молода) 07/20/2005

  • Людське життя — геть з прилавків! В Україні створять Національне бюро протидії торгівлі людьми (Україна молода) 07/19/2005
  • Безпритульні діти: вулиця гостинніша за притулки? (BBC Ukrainian) 07/19/2005
  • І є безпритульним куди притулитися... У дитячих будинках сімейного типу «діти вулиці» танцюють брейк-данс і отримують паспорти (Україна молода) 07/19/2005

  • HIV and National Security. Transcript: Laurie Garrett, Peter Piot, Richard C. Holbrooke... (Council on Foreign Relations) 07/18/2005

  • Ukrainian kidnapped and raped (Khaleej Times) 07/17/2005

  • Заповідники для мисливців з автоматами (Deutsche Welle) 07/16/2005
  • Кохайтеся! Такий незвичний заклик з'явився днями на столичних вулицях (Україна молода) 07/16/2005

  • Аборт для української жінки - це звичне явище (Радіо Свобода) 07/15/2005

  • Ukraine Families Visit Local Families for Respite from Radiation (KNDU) 07/14/2005
  • 'Переважала й переважає песимістична оцінка майбутнього' (Львівська газета) 07/14/2005

  • Розминулися (Львівська газета) 07/13/2005
  • Не заплатиш — не станеш батьком, або Особливості міжнародного всиновлення в Україні (Україна молода) 07/13/2005
  • Безпритульні фотографи: виставка фотографій, зроблених «бомжами», шокувала Львів (Україна молода) 07/13/2005

  • Ex-prostitute [23-year-old Ukrainian citizen who was bought and sold by pimps in Israel] sues TV's Riva, says he put her in mortal danger (Ha'aretz) 07/12/2005

  • MSF activities in Ukraine being handed over [HIV/AIDS programme] (MSF) 07/11/2005
  • Vatican slams sex trade [16.6% of women working as sex slaves in Italy are from Ukraine] (ANSA) 07/11/2005

  • OSCE Project Co-ordinator and partners help Ukraine draft new action plan to fight human trafficking (OSCE) 07/08/2005

  • Malaysia's human rights commission seeks crackdown on women trafficking [(S)yndicates smuggle in women and girls to work in Malaysian brothels and bars from places such as Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Russia, Ukraine,...] (AP/Yahoo) 07/07/2005
  • Шокін: швидкість розслідування 'справи Гонгадзе' залежить від експертизи, яку проводять у Німеччині (Deutsche Welle) 07/07/2005

  • Справа Гонгадзе: знову проблеми (Deutsche Welle) 07/06/2005
  • Засуджене дитинство: з трьох тисяч неповнолітніх в'язнів амністія «світить» лише двомстам (Україна молода) 07/06/2005

  • Ukrainian Eurovision winner Ruslana to back OSCE anti-trafficking campaign (OSCE) 07/05/2005
  • Республіка Куряж: тут перевиховують дітей, яким не додали любові (Україна молода) 07/05/2005

  • OSCE Project Co-ordinator's Office in Ukraine presents survey and manual on civil and commercial codes (OSCE) 07/04/2005
  • OSCE Special Representative supports establishing Ukranian co-ordinator to fight trafficking in human beings (OSCE) 07/04/2005
  • Л. Черновецький закликає встановити кримінальну відповідальність за торгівлю людськими ембріонами (RISU) 07/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian girls Irina (L), 13, and Inna, 14, victims of radiation fallout from the 1986 power plant explosion in Chernobyl, receive treatment for psoriasis at the Paediatric Hospital in Tarara, outside Havana, April 26, 2005. Since 1990, Cuba has treated 18,000 Ukranian children free of charge for loss of hair, skin disorders, cancer, leukemia and other illnesses attributed to the radioactivity unleashed by the reactor meltdown years before they were born. Picture taken April 26, 2005. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/04/2005
  • Young Chernobyl victims heal in Cuban sun (Reuters) 07/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian girl Anna, 13, a victim of radiation fallout from the 1986 power plant explosion in Chernobyl, receives treatment for alopecia, the total loss of hair, at the Paediatric Hospital in Tarara, outside Havana, April 26, 2005. Since 1990, Cuba has treated 18,000 Ukrainian children free of charge for loss of hair, skin disorders, cancer, leukaemia and other illnesses attributed to the radioactivity unleashed by the reactor meltdown years before they were born. Picture taken April 26, 2005. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian boy Bagdan (R), a victim of radiation fallout from the 1986 power plant explosion in Chernobyl, jokes while surrounded by friends at the Paediatric Hospital in Tarara, outside Havana, April 5, 2005. Bagdan suffers from alopecia and is one of the 18,000 Ukranian children, Cuba has treated since 1990 free of charge for loss of hair, skin disorders, cancer, leukemia and other illnesses attributed to the radioactivity unleashed by the reactor meltdown years before they were born. Picture taken April 5, 2005 (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian girls Anastasia (L), 13, and Alina, 16, victims of radiation fallout from the 1986 power plant explosion in Chernobyl, stand together at the Paediatric Hospital in Tarara, outside Havana, April 5, 2005. Anastasia and Alina receive both treatment for alopecia, the total loss of hair and in the case of Anastasia it has already started to grow back. Since 1990, Cuba has treated 18,000 Ukranian children free of charge for loss of hair, skin disorders, cancer, leukemia and other illnesses attributed to the radioactivity unleashed by the reactor meltdown years before they were born. Picture taken April 5, 2005. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/04/2005

  • Reassessing Chernobyl (India Tribune) 07/01/2005
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