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    Loras-Ukraine Exchange Program


    Professional Development Division
    School of Business Administration
    Wayne State University
    Detroit, Michigan

    in cooperation with

    The Lviv Institute of Management
    Ivan Franko University
    State University Lviv Polytechnic
    Lviv, Ukraine


    Wayne State University School of Business Administration was one of 12 recipients (88 proposals submitted) of the USIA-NIS University Partnership Grant. Under the Freedom Support Act of 1992, the SBA was awarded $181,950 to foster business curriculum development and teaching methodologies and to modernize the administrative structure at the Lviv Consortium partner - the Lviv Institute of Management, Ivan Franko University of Lviv and the State University Lviv Polytechnic. The Consortium partners have similar urban multi-ethnic student populations and are located in industrial centers which have an international character.

    The specific goals of the project are:

    · Preparing well-trained business educators to help disseminate the concepts of the free enterprise system and to educate future entrepreneurs.

    · Developing business courses in market economics, management, marketing, small business management, accounting and management information systems.

    · Establishing ties for future exchange programs between US. scholars and entrepreneurs and their counterparts in Ukraine


    WSU, an urban University located in the heart of Detroit, Michigan, is a Carnegie I designated institution and a major educational and research facility with notable scholarly publications in various areas of business administration. In the past decade, the School of Business Administration increased dramatically in size and programs reflecting the growing needs for professionally trained people. It currently has the 14th largest MBA program in the US. Within the School's four academic departments, 79 full-time faculty and 52 part-time faculty represent a wide variety of teaching, research and professional interests. Both the undergraduate and the graduate programs of the School are nationally accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).


    The University is one of the oldest educational establishments both in the former USSR and Ukraine. It dates back to 1608, when a Jesuit college was founded in the city. Later, the University was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko, a famous writer, philosopher, economist and ethnographer who studied there. Today, there are approximately 15,000 students in 14 schools and 62 departments.


    The Lviv Institute of Management was created in September 1990 in response to the dire need for modern Western economic education in Ukraine. Because of the lack of indigenous expertise in this field, the Institute relies heavily on western partners and individuals to lecture and provide consultations in various fields. The Institute offers a full western-style MBA program The curriculum includes course work in Managerial Science, Business Statistics, Financial and Managerial Accounting, Human Resources Management and Operations Management, in addition to providing computer training and intensive English for its students. The Institute also conducts various Management seminars, engages in market research, provides consultations, and cultivates international contacts for Ukrainian businesses, LIM programs have been accredited by the Ministry of Education.


    Founded in 1844, departments at State University Lviv Polytechnic include: Mechanical Technology, Mechanics and Machine Building, Engineering Economics, Chemical Technology, Civil and Industrial Construction, Architecture, General Engineering, Geodesy. Thee are 1,650 faculty members, 17,000 students (more than 700 from 48 countries), graduate and undergraduate programs in 61 specialties; a Ph.D. program and an extensive research library of 2,700,000 volumes. The University collaborates with a number of universities, institutes and foreign films.


    The emergence of an independent Ukraine in the heart of Europe is an event of geopolitical significance. With an area of 603,700 sq. km. and a population of 52 million people, it is the second largest state in Europe. In December 1991, after the referendum on independence, Ukraine joined the other Eastern European nations in the drive toward a market economy. Its location, rich resources, educated population and size ensure that it will become a vital force in the European Community.

    Ukraine possesses both the material resources and the political will to enter into the world market as a valuable trading partner. However, it cannot accomplish this without the assistance which will lead to complete self-sufficiency. Academic exchanges designed to teach Ukrainian faculty and students western economic principles and business administration will shorten the time for change and will help to ensure the success of economic and democratic reforms. Once Ukrainians are exposed to the positive "can-do" attitude of American culture, that attitude becomes contagious and what occurs is not only in the realm of acquiring knowledge, but also a change in the psyche, attitude and approach to problem solving.

    At the present time, it is crucial that trained faculty experts be brought from abroad to help Ukraine rebuild itself and, conversely, that Ukrainian faculty and students be given the opportunity to observe firsthand how the American economic and academic systems work. Lviv is a leading educational, cultural and business center, With the growing interest in global economics, and expanding world markets business faculty treed to stay on top of the recent changes in the Newly Independent States. WSU SBA faculty and MBA students have the opportunity to become competitive in the global market.

    At the present time, it is crucial that Ukrainian faculty, students and young entrepreneurs be brought from abroad for training and internship programs.


    Since 1991, Wayne State University, Detroit Corporate, and the Ukrainian-American Community have sponsored a program that has allowed 156 MBA interns born Ukraine to come to WSU, for a month stay, in an earnest attempt to study and understand the free market system. The WSU-School of Business Administration provides Ukrainian graduate business students with the opportunity to attend classes, observe American businesses and complete internships in Detroit companies. This program has resulted in many success stories.


    In 1993, WSU-SBA initiated an MBA exchange program with the Lviv Institute of Management. WSU-MBA students have the unique opportunity of a month long internship at the LIM, the Business Support Center, or in Lviv area businesses.


    Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Harry Malynowsky, the WSU School of Business Administration and the Department of Economics at Ivan Franko University of Lviv have initiated a cooperative program for Banking and Finance curriculum development. The program consists of an intensive directed study in banking and finance at WSU School of Business Administration, as well as a three week seminar for Ukraine's lecturers and banking professionals in Truskavets, Ukraine. This program has resulted in Ukrainian translations of several textbooks and materials on finance and banking.


    In 1995 WSU-SBA initiated a new MBA program far five Ukrainian students. The NAFSA: Association of International Educators awarded a grant to WSU-SBA on behalf of these students to supplement funds committed by the institution. This "top-up" award is funded by the USIA under the Freedom Support Act.


    The Professional Development Division exists to make businesses/entrepreneurs more competitive by providing quality education, training, counseling, and business resources that deal with real business skills and problems. Instructors are carefully chosen from the academic, consulting and the business worlds to provide teaching that reflects expertise and experience in many fields.


    The International Business Development Center, a program of the Professional Development Division, develops, at the international level, small business and management programs that include training and counseling. In the past few years, it has established International Business Development Centers in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (now identified as the Newly Independent States) and the Middle East.

    For further information, please contact:

    Vera Andrushkiw, Coordinator
    Wayne State University
    School of Business Administration
    Professional Development Division
    Detroit, MI 48202
    Phone: (313)577-8637
    Fax: (313)577-4354

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