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  • Ukraine can expect an increase in gas prices (Kyiv Post) 07/31/2000
  • New tax for truck drivers (Kyiv Post) 07/31/2000
  • Kyiv mulls plan to buy 90 thousand tons of state reserve grain (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/31/2000

  • Photo: A Russian-Ukrainian Rocket Blasts off a Floating Platform (AP/Excite) 07/29/2000
  • Sea Launch First Mission Since March (AP/Yahoo) 07/29/2000
  • Sea Launch Success Bodes Well for Company's Future ( 07/29/2000
  • Sea Launch Delivers PAS-9 Satellite to Orbit (PRNewswire/Excite) 07/29/2000

  • EBRD grants 24 million euro for shelter project (Kyiv Post) 07/28/2000
  • Довгий ящик - «атомних» кредитів поки що залишається порожнім (День) 07/28/2000
  • Sea Launch ready for return-to-flight today (Florida Today) 07/28/2000
  • Kuchma angered over Ukraine's latest gas deal with Turkmenistan (Kyiv Post) 07/28/2000
  • Ukraine's prime minister leaves for economic talks in Bulgaria (Kyiv Post) 07/28/2000
  • Ukraine government asked to sell 25 percent in alumina plant (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/28/2000
  • Ukraine Motor Sich plans to construct new helicopter (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/28/2000

  • Poland-Ukraine Pact Angers Moscow (RFE/RL) 07/27/2000
  • President signs law exempting ag enterprises from VAT (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/27/2000
  • Lebanon Cabinet Blacklists Ukrainian and Russian Ferries (Lebanon Daily Star) 07/27/2000
  • Canada anxious to recoup military shipment (Reuters/ABC) 07/27/2000
  • U.S. steel imports fall in June from May (Reuters/ABC) 07/27/2000
  • U.S. strategy to avert steel crisis again (The Hindu) 07/27/2000
  • Applying Western-style economics to Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 07/27/2000
  • Crunch time for officials seeking cash (Kyiv Post) 07/27/2000
  • European States Work Toward Common Export Control (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/27/2000
  • «Бізнес» на фіктивному паспорті (День) 07/27/2000
  • Parker Drilling Names Tyumen Oil CEO Simon Kukes to Board of Directors (PRNewswire/Excite) 07/27/2000

  • Labor Secretary Herman Signs Technical Assistance Agreement With Ukraine (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 07/26/2000
  • Russia unfazed by Poland rejection of gas pipeline (Reuters/ABC) 07/26/2000
  • Ukraine's future: pigs and cows (Kyiv Post) 07/26/2000
  • Макроекономічна «цифра» проти регіонів (День) 07/26/2000
  • Порядок запровадження зовнішнього управління на приватних обленерго загрожує чиновницьким свавіллям (День) 07/26/2000

  • Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Arrives in Turkmenistan for Gas Talks (AFP/Russia Today) 07/25/2000
  • Дніпропетровські селяни промишляють підпільним «нафтодобуванням» (День) 07/25/2000

  • Ukraine Fails to Resolve Energy Debt (RFE/RL) 07/24/2000
  • Land reform transforming Ukraine (AP/Arkansas Democrat-Gazette) 07/24/2000

  • Troubled waters (Chicago Sun-Times) 07/23/2000

  • Газові клiщi - Вяхірєв «пояснив» Ющенку, наскільки вдалим був візит до Москви (День) 07/22/2000
  • Євросервіс в Україні розпочнеться з автошляхів (День) 07/22/2000
  • Власники вантажівок вимагають зниження податків (День) 07/22/2000
  • Ноу-хау-2 впроваджувалося в Макіївці (День) 07/22/2000

  • Russia: Analysis From Washington -- Undoing An Old deal? (RFE/RL) 07/21/2000
  • Official: Ukraine will join WTO in the near future (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/21/2000
  • Ukraine foreign debt slips to $10.6 billion (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/21/2000
  • Poland 'not interested' in gas pipeline (BBC News) 07/21/2000
  • Ukraine boosts state control over grain exports (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/21/2000
  • Ukraine 00/01 grain exports seen at 1.5-2 mln T (Reuters/Excite) 07/21/2000
  • Нафто трейдери збирають урожай (День) 07/21/2000

  • The politics of waste and debt (Kyiv Post) 07/20/2000
  • Gov't 'sleuths' hound online paper (Kyiv Post) 07/20/2000
  • Wet Weather May Cut Ukraine Sugar Content (Reuters/Russia Today) 07/20/2000
  • State railway going after scalpers with ticket system (Kyiv Post) 07/20/2000
  • Kazakhs on mission to build real banking (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/20/2000

  • Ukraine/Russia gas talks: no agreement (BBC News) 07/19/2000
  • Europeans Deride U.S. Launch Industry as 'Xenophobic' ( 07/19/2000
  • Antidumping investigation on Ukrainian steel launched in U.S. (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/19/2000
  • Russia's Tyumen Oil to Boost Production at Ukraine's Linos Refinery (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 07/19/2000
  • «Укртелеком» зрушив з точки «розмов» (День) 07/19/2000
  • 'Скільки нам коштуватиме врегулювання газових боргів Росії? ' (День) 07/19/2000
  • Олександр Завада: Всi на захист конкуренцiї! (День) 07/19/2000
  • «Робоче питання» вітчизняної економіки - Понад півмільйона українців втратили надію знайти роботу (День) 07/19/2000
  • Комунальним тарифом — по Дніпропетровську. Першу цінову атаку городяни відбили (День) 07/19/2000
  • SPSS Inc. Announces SPSS 10.0 for Macintosh (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 07/19/2000

  • Photo: An elderly Ukrainian woman sells besoms, parsley and carrot in downtown Kyiv (AP/Yahoo) 07/18/2000
  • Ukraine to Privatize 7 Energy Cos. (AP/Yahoo) 07/18/2000
  • Ukraine to delay massive grain exports - analysts (Reuters/Excite) 07/18/2000

  • Ukraine Meets Its First Half Debt Obligations in Full (Reuters/Russia Today) 07/16/2000
  • Russia Is Pushing to Increase Share in Weapons Trade (NY Times) 07/16/2000

  • Crucial Launch for Sea Launch ( 07/15/2000
  • «Борщагівську пігулку» проковтнути не вдалося (День) 07/15/2000

  • Ukraine seen facing long haul to join WTO (Reuters/Excite) 07/14/2000
  • Ukraine hopes for compromise with IMF in July talks (Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Ukraine PM trumpets H1 growth, lawmakers sceptical (Reuters/ABC) 07/14/2000
  • Ukraine raises privatization revenue target for 2000 (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Kyiv worried about Russian plan to build gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Kazakhstan to raise oil supplies to Ukraine (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Tax police freeze securities held by Sloviansky Bank (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Sea Launch sets sail for fourth launch (AP/Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Sea Launch Sets Sail For Equator (AP/Yahoo) 07/14/2000
  • Rival Ukrainian and Russian AN-124 operators mull union (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Parliament rejects draft to cancel export duty on sunflower (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • Sun Interbrew invests $120 million in Ukraine and Russia (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/14/2000
  • ORBCOMM System Monitors Transport of Nuclear Materials at Chernobyl (PRNewswire/Excite) 07/14/2000
  • Pending Tobacco Lawsuits (NY Times) 07/14/2000

  • Ukrainian parliament votes to privatise telecoms (BBC News) 07/13/2000
  • Ukraine to Privatize Telecom Giant (AP/Yahoo) 07/13/2000
  • «Хоспіс» для української економіки (День) 07/13/2000
  • Zaporizhstal to trade metal over Internet (Kyiv Post) 07/13/2000
  • Майбутній урожай пішов на біржу (День) 07/13/2000
  • Новий порядок (День) 07/13/2000

  • Ukraine's energy crisis is over - deputy PM (Reuters/ABC) 07/12/2000
  • Ukraine Will Go On Using Nuclear Energy Says Kuchma (AFP/Russia Today) 07/12/2000
  • Agricultural sector rattled by Kuchma grain decree (Kyiv Post) 07/12/2000
  • Phone rate hike irks Internet service providers (Kyiv Post) 07/12/2000
  • Економіка Хеопса (День) 07/12/2000
  • «Такі гроші нам не потрібні», — пишуть схiдноєвропейці до американського Сенату (День) 07/12/2000
  • Запорізький губернатор визначився з пріоритетами (День) 07/12/2000
  • Polish Government Awards 10 Oil & Gas Concessions covering 4,327 sq. km in Southeastern Poland to EuroGas (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 07/12/2000
  • Пільгове питання українського книговидання (День) 07/12/2000

  • French army chief visits Turkey as tank deal looms (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/11/2000
  • Our Bread Could Run Out (День) 07/11/2000
  • Sugar Will Cost More by Autumn (День) 07/11/2000
  • Webzter Corporation Expands Corporate Operation (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 07/11/2000

  • Russia Threatens to Build a New Pipeline Connection (RFE/RL) 07/10/2000
  • Russia's Volga-Dnepr firms grip on air cargo market (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/10/2000

  • European Union, Ukraine will cooperate on GPS system (Florida Today) 07/09/2000
  • Bigger Than Big...and Maybe Coming Back to Life (Speedvision) 07/09/2000

  • «Ноу-хау» «Слов'янського»… Яким був механізм пограбування України? (День) 07/08/2000

  • Ukraine says audit finds no IMF fund misuse (Reuters/ABC) 07/07/2000

  • World Bank gives Ukraine another chance on FSAL loan (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/06/2000
  • Brokers cry for complete overhaul of securities market (Kyiv Post) 07/06/2000
  • U.S. investor disputes still unresolved (Kyiv Post) 07/06/2000
  • Investigation of Sloviansky Bank highlights sector's many woes (Kyiv Post) 07/06/2000
  • Ukraine signs deal on buying out foreign stakes in Utel (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 07/06/2000
  • Buffeted by Sea, Fame and Commerce (NY Times) 07/06/2000
  • The inside story of AK Design (Kyiv Post) 07/06/2000

  • Deloitte & Touche finds no misuse of World Bank loans (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/05/2000
  • PPI growth quickens to 0.9 pct in June (Kyiv Post) 07/05/2000
  • Hlady favors cancellation of sunflower export duty (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/05/2000
  • Tobacco factories output rose by 22 percent in June (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 07/05/2000
  • ICN Pharmaceuticals Acquires Swiss Pharmaceuticals Firm (PRNewswire/Excite) 07/05/2000

  • Ukraine to Relaunch Space Carrier (AP/Yahoo) 07/04/2000
  • First Oligarchic... Fight between Ukraine’ s Financial-Political Groupings Enters a New Phase (День) 07/04/2000
  • AN-70 Hopes Crash over Europe (День) 07/04/2000
  • Forget about Mykolayiv Alumina (День) 07/04/2000

  • Ukraine Needs to Do More to Win IMF Loans, Prime Minister Says (Reuters/Russia Today) 07/01/2000
  • Ukraine to Recycle Fuel from Nuclear Missiles (Reuters/Russia Today) 07/01/2000
    [Current Month]
    2006 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2005 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2004 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2003 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2002 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2001 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2000 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    1999 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03]

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