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  • MTS to launch rebranding campaign in Ukraine in 2007 ( 11/29/2006

  • Ukraine to create oil product stockpile soon (RBC) 11/28/2006
  • Ukrainian state debt down 6.7% in Jan-Oct (Interfax) 11/28/2006
  • Full-scale rail traffic to resume between Ukraine, Moldova (Interfax) 11/28/2006
  • Ukraine's ad market to top $1bn (RBC) 11/28/2006
  • General Motors and Ukrauto agree on FSO (Warsaw Business Journal) 11/28/2006
  • General Motors to produce Aveo car at UkrAvto plants in Poland (Interactive Investor) 11/28/2006

  • Ukraine to finalize WTO bill this week (RIA) 11/27/2006
  • Ukrainian president urges help for small business (Kyiv Post) 11/27/2006
  • Ukraine wants to inaugurate Bistroe Channel next year (Nine O'Clock) 11/27/2006
  • GM sets deal to build Chevrolets in Poland -source (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/27/2006
  • RUSAL applies to EC, Ukraine for merger with SUAL (Interfax) 11/27/2006
  • Ukraine allows Clal-TBIH acquire 3 insurance companies in Ukraine (Interfax) 11/27/2006

  • Intellias Initiates New Business Contacts at Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 2006 (PR Web/Yahoo) 11/25/2006

  • Російського бізнесмена Курочкіна ув'язнено: Звинувачення у здирництві пов'язані з подіями довкола дніпропетровського ринку Озерка (BBC Ukrainian) 11/23/2006
  • У Києві протести проти зростання цін (BBC Ukrainian) 11/23/2006
  • Ukraine pledges to abide by WTO regs and revise grain restrictions (Ukrainian Journal) 11/23/2006
  • NBU to keep key interest rates unchanged despite inflation spike (Ukrainian Journal) 11/23/2006
  • Government vows to keep stable monetary policy, rein in inflation (Ukrainian Journal) 11/23/2006
  • Ukraine and Russian to boost oil transfer (RBC) 11/23/2006
  • Ukraine eyeing joint pipeline project with Russia (RBC) 11/23/2006
  • Ukraine to Build Solid Waste Plant in Black Sea Island (RedNova) 11/23/2006
  • EBRD approves EUR200-mln for Kyiv-Chop motorway (Interfax) 11/23/2006
  • 'Silicon Valley Open Doors' 2006: Time to Invest in Russia and Ukraine is Now (PR Web) 11/23/2006

  • East: Neighbors Watch As Russia Moves Toward WTO Membership (RFE/RL) 11/22/2006
  • Ukraine, China to discuss cooperation in space exploration in December(repeat) (Interfax) 11/22/2006
  • Finnish firm to invest in Ukrainian bathroom ceramics plant (Kyiv Post) 11/22/2006
  • Arbitration Court Upholds VimpelCom's Acquisition of CJSC 'Ukrainian Radio Systems' (SYS-CON Media) 11/22/2006
  • Ukraine likely to keep ban in place on Polish meat imports - Polishagriculture minister (Interfax) 11/22/2006

  • Energoatom and TVEL eyeing joint uranium mining (RBC) 11/21/2006
  • Yushchenko advisor urges Ukrainian membership in EU energy pact (Ukrainian Journal) 11/21/2006
  • AMC, at security council urging, to investigate UkrGaz-Energo (Ukrainian Journal) 11/21/2006
  • RosUkr Energo signs 3-year contract to supply gas to Polish monopoly (Ukrainian Journal) 11/21/2006
  • Cardinal Resources CEO Urges Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich to Support Rule of Law, Oppose State Oligarchs (PR Newswire) 11/21/2006
  • Global Payments Europe Announces the Opening of an Office in Kiev, Ukraine (SYS-CON Media) 11/21/2006

  • ЄС закликав Росію укладати тривалі енергоугоди з сусідами: Секретар РНБО Віталій Гайдук заявив, що Україна готова до запровадження єдиного євро енергоринку (BBC Ukrainian) 11/20/2006
  • Бізнес: Антимонопольний комітет розслідує УкрГазЕнерго: Антимонопольний комітет України розпочав дослідження щодо монопольного становища (BBC Ukrainian) 11/20/2006
  • Our Ukraine on National Security (Unian) 11/20/2006
  • Eastern El Dorado? (Warsaw Business Journal) 11/20/2006
  • Russia's Domestic And International Long-Distance Voice Services Market Was Finally Liberalised In January 2006 (Broadcast Newsroom) 11/20/2006

  • Polish gas monopoly signs new gas deal (AP/Yahoo) 11/19/2006

  • Yushchenko calls for gas company probe (Financial Times) 11/18/2006
  • Ukrainian banking: deal heat expected to move towards mid-tier targets over next 18 months - analysis 18 November 2006 ( 11/18/2006

  • Ющенко: Ситуація на енергоринку загрожує нацбезпеці: Президент України наголосив на необхідності сформулювати нову стратегію нацбезпеки (BBC Ukrainian) 11/17/2006
  • 'Власть денег' про складники щастя Януковича і Ющенка (BBC Ukrainian) 11/17/2006
  • Ukraine Energy Company Opens Office in Nigeria (Rigzone) 11/17/2006
  • Nigeria: Biz Man Drags Diplomat to EFCC ( 11/17/2006

  • Ukraine OKs 7 more bills in WTO bid (Interactive Investor) 11/16/2006
  • Ukraine pledges to strengthen energy cooperation with Poland (People's Daily) 11/16/2006
  • Ukraine places eurobonds (RBC) 11/16/2006
  • Point Of Sale Solutions: Hypercom Delivers 5,000+ Optimum Card Payment Terminals To Leading Ukraine Bank (RetailSolutionsOnline) 11/16/2006
  • Comstar-UTS Announces Purchase of WiMAX License in Ukraine (Business Wire) 11/16/2006
  • Ukraine will develop domestic ethanol market (Agriculture Online) 11/16/2006

  • Ukrainian, Polish premiers urge extension of Odessa-Brody pipeline (IHT) 11/15/2006
  • Kyiv, Warsaw Want To Extend Pipeline To Poland (RFE/RL) 11/15/2006
  • Ukraine, Poland Urge Pipeline Extension (AP/Yahoo) 11/15/2006
  • Prices for most Ukrainian vegetables decreased comparing to 2005 (Agricultural Marketing Project) 11/15/2006
  • The production of pickled vegetables is aggressively developing in Ukraine (Agricultural Marketing Project) 11/15/2006
  • National mass media house to be created in Kyiv (NRCU) 11/15/2006
  • Ukrainian PM vows stable natural gas transit (RIA) 11/15/2006
  • Ukraine, Poland urge faster Odessa-Brody oil pipeline extension (RIA) 11/15/2006
  • President: December WTO decision expected (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2006
  • Ukraine YTD trade deficit widens to $4 billion, up from $748 million (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2006
  • Jabil Circuit Corp plans launch of new Uzhgorod plant in spring (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2006

  • Ukraine may face high inflation pressure in 2007, NBU official warns (Ukrainian Journal) 11/14/2006
  • Moody's ups outlook on Ukraine, citing improved 'political stabilit'y (Ukrainian Journal) 11/14/2006
  • Going East and growing strong (Warsaw Business Journal) 11/14/2006
  • EBRD reaps rewards of investment in east (Financial Times) 11/14/2006

  • Nuclear fuel price hike for Ukraine unconfirmed (RBC) 11/13/2006
  • Ukraine's regulator refuses to give 3G licenses to 4 companies ( 11/13/2006
  • Ukraine may lift ban on Polish meat imports (Interfax) 11/13/2006
  • By November, 1, Ukraine had in stocks 12.92 mln tonnes of grain (AgriMarket) 11/13/2006
  • Cabinet of Ministers orders feasibility study on securing Caspian oil (Ukrainian Journal) 11/13/2006
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny to pay RosUkrEnergo debt with loans it has raised (Ukrainian Journal) 11/13/2006

  • Ukraine may formally join WTO in December - official (Interfax) 11/11/2006

  • Ukrainian Government again initiates introduction of changes to the Law about Grains and Grain Market (AgriMarket) 11/10/2006
  • Turkmenistan: Potential 'Super-Giant' Emerges On The Energy Scene (RFE/RL) 11/10/2006
  • Govt allows Naftogaz Ukrayiny to borrow $550mln from Credit Suisse (Ukrainian Journal) 11/10/2006
  • At least 5 Ukraine banks may sell out to foreigners in 2007: investor (Ukrainian Journal) 11/10/2006
  • Fitch assigns BB- rating to upcoming Ukraine $1 bln 10-year eurobond (Ukrainian Journal) 11/10/2006

  • Ukrainian Officials Probing 44 Gas Cases (AP/Yahoo) 11/09/2006
  • JKX says Ukrainian well M156 producing oil at steady rate, new Well M157 spudded (Interactive Investor) 11/09/2006
  • Ukrainian officials probing 44 gas cases (Interactive Investor) 11/09/2006
  • Ukraine Limit on Grain Exports Assailed (AP/Yahoo) 11/09/2006
  • First vice-prime-minister of Ukraine regards the possibility of cancellation of decision about grains export limits (AgriMarket) 11/09/2006
  • Ukraine finished winter crops sowing campaign (AgriMarket) 11/09/2006
  • President steps up budget deficit pressure (Ukrainian Journal) 11/09/2006
  • Putin may come to Kiev next month to settle security, economic issues (Ukrainian Journal) 11/09/2006
  • Joint commission to study Polish extension of Odessa pipeline (Ukrainian Journal) 11/09/2006
  • Ukraine resumes power exports to Russia after taking care of its own (Ukrainian Journal) 11/09/2006

  • China and the Ukrainian Connection (Strategy Page) 11/08/2006
  • At least five Ukrainian banks to be sold to foreigners in 2007 - expert (Interfax) 11/08/2006
  • Ukraine vodka giant plans listing on London Exchange ( 11/08/2006
  • Президентська команда критикує бюджет (VOA) 11/08/2006
  • Бізнес: уряд диверсифікує енергопостачання: Водночас опозиція називає необгрунтованими і завищеними підвищення тарифів на житлово-комунальні послуги (BBC Ukrainian) 11/08/2006
  • Ахметов тисне на Суркіса, щоб той вирішив конфлікт інтересів: Загострюється протистояння двох футбольних босів, а з ним - і 'Динамо' з 'Шахтарем' (BBC Ukrainian) 11/08/2006
  • Суркіс відкидає критику Ахметова: В інтерв'ю Бі-Бі-Сі президент Федерації футболу назвав безпід ставними закиди в сприянні столичним динамівцям (BBC Ukrainian) 11/08/2006
  • Electricity rates to be higher than now, Ukraine warning ( 11/08/2006
  • Raiffeisenbank Ukraine renamed OTP Bank (Interfax) 11/08/2006
  • Rockville-Based Sequella Inc.'s Tuberculosis Patch Headed for Trial in Ukraine (RedNova) 11/08/2006
  • At least five Ukrainian banks to be sold to foreigners in 2007 (Interfax) 11/08/2006
  • Ukraine: A miracle in waiting? (OECD Observer) 11/08/2006
  • Russia to raise nuclear fuel prices for Ukraine in 2007 (RIA) 11/08/2006

  • Russia's Gazprom pledges to fully meet Ukraine's gas needs in 2007 (RIA) 11/07/2006
  • Ukraine develops investment opportunities (UNIAN) 11/07/2006
  • Inflation in Ukraine 8.7% in 2006 (Interfax) 11/07/2006
  • Comstar-UTS Announces Acquisitions Of DG TEL And Technologic Systems In Ukraine (FiberOpticsOnline) 11/07/2006
  • Ukraine inflation rises in October (New Ratings) 11/07/2006
  • UkrInterEnergo to start energy supply to Russia's ZAO INTER RAO UES (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2006
  • Consumer prices increase 2.6% in October (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2006

  • Ukrainian October consumer prices rise 2.6% in month (Budapest Business Journal) 11/06/2006
  • Transeuro Wins Okay to Move Forward with Ukrainian Project (Rigzone) 11/06/2006
  • Comstar UTS snaps up Ukrainian telcos (TeleGeography) 11/06/2006

  • India to buy 300 main battle tanks from Russia (Gulf Times) 11/05/2006
  • IT Projects to Ukraine The Countryв's Outsourcing Turnover Grows by 200-300% Annually (Newswire Today) 11/05/2006

  • Iran- Ukraine expand commercial ties (ISNA) 11/04/2006

  • Miner killed in Ukraine (Interfax) 11/03/2006
  • Iran, Ukraine Ink MOU On Commercial Cooperation (Asia Pulse) 11/03/2006
  • Delays with execution of export contracts by Ukrainian grain traders result in quality loss of grain - Ukraine Grain (AgriMarket) 11/03/2006
  • Pro-government, opposition groups approve 7 WTO bills after compromise (Ukrainian Journal) 11/03/2006
  • Fitch removes Naftogaz from negative watch after cost explanation (Ukrainian Journal) 11/03/2006
  • ChornomorNaftoGaz says discovered new offshore gas field near Odessa (Ukrainian Journal) 11/03/2006

  • Russian gas monopoly to double price of gas for Georgia (Houston Chronicle) 11/02/2006
  • Court upholds VimpelCom's Ukraine phone purchase deal (RIA) 11/02/2006
  • Georgian envoy hails bilateral trade relations (Kyiv Post) 11/02/2006
  • FDI inflows rise, investor confidence rebounds (Kyiv Post) 11/02/2006

  • Ukraine Exports Electricity to Russia (Turks.US) 11/01/2006
  • Ukrainian lawmakers approve draft 2007 budget in first of three readings (Kyiv Post) 11/01/2006
  • Rada votes to approve 2007 budget draft (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2006
  • Ukraine may tap Gazprom for help with offshore gas projects, aide says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2006
  • One-third of Ukraine's businessmen expect things to get worse (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2006
  • Iran, Ukraine ink MOU on commercial cooperation (Islamic Republic News Agency) 11/01/2006
  • Economic Court, Kiev, halted force of regulations of CMU on introduction of quotas for export of grain from Ukraine (AgriMarket) 11/01/2006
  • Ukrainian president criticizes new gas deal with Russia (RIA) 11/01/2006
  • Import tax on ironing boards is set (IHT) 11/01/2006
  • EU Imposes Tariffs on Ironing Boards From China and Ukraine (Budapest Business Journal) 11/01/2006
  • Ukraine: Nokia supports Ukrtelecom in launching the first WCDMA 3G/HSDPA network (3G Portal) 11/01/2006
  • Tunisia: New Weekly Flight Linking Djerba to Kiev Takes Off ( 11/01/2006
  • Comstar-UTS Announces Acquisitions of DG TEL and Technologic Systems in Ukraine (Business Wire) 11/01/2006
  • Rockville biotech to test tuberculosis patch in Ukraine (BizJournals) 11/01/2006
  • Czech company signs agreement with Ukraine to cut emissions (Prague Daily Monitor) 11/01/2006
  • Ukraine to float Eurobonds this month (RBC) 11/01/2006
    [Current Month]
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