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  • Ukraine's Former Prime Minister Leads in Vote, Exit Poll Shows (Bloomberg) 10/31/2004
  • Ukrainians Go to Polls to Elect Successor to President Kuchma (Bloomberg) 10/31/2004

  • Зникнення долара (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/30/2004

  • Pre-poll spending seen fuelling Ukraine inflation (Reuters) 10/29/2004
  • Currency crisis adds twist to Ukraine poll (Financial Times) 10/29/2004
  • Businesses Bet on Ukraine's Future (Moscow Times) 10/29/2004
  • Forcible write-off of tax debts from company accounts contravenes Civil Code - Central Bank source (Interfax) 10/29/2004
  • Problems with capitalization of biggest Ukrainian banks to end in redistribution of crediting market - AUB (Interfax) 10/29/2004
  • США встановили нову квоту на імпорт українського прокату (Кореспондент) 10/29/2004
  • Russia RUSAL aluminium cuts raw material dependence (Reuters) 10/29/2004

  • Polish ex-spy chief says Russia flexes oil muscle (Reuters) 10/28/2004
  • Finance ministry believing current amount of state debt is safe (Interfax) 10/28/2004
  • More foreign banks in Ukraine would improve country's banking system, says Association of Ukrainian Banks (Interfax) 10/28/2004
  • Українські банки вводять обмеження на продаж валюти населенню (Кореспондент) 10/28/2004
  • Президент знову ветував закон про продовження мораторію на продаж землі (Кореспондент) 10/28/2004
  • Конференція, присвячена економічному розвитку України, пройшла в Берліні (Deutsche Welle) 10/28/2004
  • Where in the world will you invest? (Globe and Mail) 10/28/2004
  • Europa set to float in London with £15m tag (Financial Times) 10/28/2004

  • Gazprom, Ukrainian pipeline operator sign pipeline deal that will increase gas exports to Europe (AP/SF Chronicle) 10/27/2004
  • Ukraine, Russia's Gazprom agree new deals (Reuters) 10/27/2004
  • Gazprom, Ukraine's Naftogaz reach deal on gas pipeline (AFX/Yahoo) 10/27/2004
  • Ukrnafta to increase oil production 2.3% in 2005 (Interfax) 10/27/2004
  • Українські банкіри обвинувачують уряд у стимулюванні валютної кризи в Україні (Кореспондент) 10/27/2004
  • Cabinet of Ministers Empowered State Property Fund to manage Ukrtelecom (UNIAN) 10/27/2004
  • Firm demand gives US Steel solid footing (Financial Times) 10/27/2004

  • Ukraine's state debts grow 5.1% in Jan-Sept (Interfax) 10/26/2004
  • Міжнародне агентство 'Fіtch' оцінило передвиборні ризики України (Кореспондент) 10/26/2004
  • Kuchma: state budget should not be political manifesto (Interfax) 10/26/2004
  • Президент ветував закон про заборону податкових перевірок компаній без рішення суду (Кореспондент) 10/26/2004
  • В українській авіабудівній галузі виник серйозний конфлікт (Кореспондент) 10/26/2004
  • Платимо за бездарнiсть уряду: чому дорожчають «соціальні» продукти (Україна молода) 10/26/2004
  • Fund chief flexes muscles when countries need a loan (SF Chronicle) 10/26/2004
  • Wrigley Profits Rise on Weak Dollar (AP/Yahoo) 10/26/2004

  • Yuschenko is against passing 2005 budget before presidential election (Interfax) 10/25/2004
  • In the Heat of Passion (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/25/2004
  • Передвиборча ситуація стала певним каталізатором, який саме сьогодні спонукав до цінового прориву - експерт (Громадське радіо) 10/25/2004
  • NBU wants more open banking system (Interfax) 10/25/2004
  • During January-September, Ukraine Boosted Export by 46.3%, Import - by 28.6% (UNIAN) 10/25/2004
  • Ukraine's Industrial Union of Donbass eyes Vitkovice Steel (Interfax) 10/25/2004
  • Czech govt to start Vitkovice Steel sale in Nov. (Reuters) 10/25/2004

  • Україна приваблює німецьких інвесторів (Deutsche Welle) 10/24/2004

  • А чад міцнів... (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/23/2004
  • Бар’єр на шляху до СОТ. Спорудила влада, блокувавши розвиток ЛуАЗу (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/23/2004
  • Перезрілий плід. Законопроект, що претендує на гармонізацію корпоративних відносин, сім років чекає свого часу (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/23/2004
  • Safety ignored as China tries to feed demand for coal (Sydney Morning Herald) 10/23/2004

  • De Beers Eyes Russian Diamond Production; Explores Ukraine (Dow Jones/Yahoo) 10/22/2004

  • Бюджетний комітет піддав критиці держбюджет на 2005-й рік (Deutsche Welle) 10/21/2004
  • Ukraine, Russia, Negotiate Pipes Export Without Quotas (UNIAN) 10/21/2004
  • Privatization of Czestochowa steel mill likely to slow as creditors block debt restructuring (Interfax) 10/21/2004
  • Hryschenko, Macedonian Premier call for rapid implementation of free trade agreement (Interfax) 10/21/2004
  • Ukrainian telecoms revenue up 60% in first 9 months (Interfax) 10/21/2004
  • Ціни на продукти в Україні стабілізувалися, запевняє МВС (Громадське радіо) 10/21/2004

  • Central Asia, Eastern Europe Score Poorly on Corruption Index (RFE/RL) 10/20/2004
  • Україні потрібна верхівка, яка витягла б країну з корупції (Deutsche Welle) 10/20/2004
  • Верховна Рада відправила проект держбюджету на доопрацювання (Громадське радіо) 10/20/2004
  • Бюджет таки відправлено на доопрацювання (BBC Ukrainian) 10/20/2004
  • Бюджет-2005 — заручник виборчої кампанії Януковича (Україна молода) 10/20/2004
  • Finance Ministry expects decrease in ratio state debt/GDP to 20% in 2004 (Interfax) 10/20/2004
  • Ukraine to build 2 more new nuclear reactors (AFX/Yahoo) 10/20/2004
  • Ukrainian NPPs' Losses at Generating Electrical Energy Trimmed Twice - Tulub (UNIAN) 10/20/2004
  • У вінку ВІНКа: навіщо Укртатнафту інтегрували у державну вертикально інтегровану нафтову компанію? (Україна молода) 10/20/2004
  • Jobs, NATO, Books and Radicals (Deutsche Welle) 10/20/2004
  • Ukraine, Lithuania discuss economic ties in Odesa (Interfax) 10/20/2004
  • Yanukovych against land sale in Ukraine (Interfax) 10/20/2004

  • PZU said to be considering Ukrainian insurance takeover (Warsaw Business Journal) 10/19/2004
  • Харківська облдержадміністрація ініціює внесення змін до закону про ціни та ціноутворення (Deutsche Welle) 10/19/2004

  • Ukraine Delivery Due for Sofia Subway (Novinite) 10/18/2004
  • CHZ left standing as Ukrainian supplier breaks supply contract (Warsaw Business Journal) 10/18/2004
  • Council approves Ukraine's participation in Galileo [Europe's satellite navigation system] (CORDIS) 10/18/2004
  • Ukrainian border officials crossed the Slovak border illegally (Slovensko) 10/18/2004
  • Police seize contraband cigarettes [labelled with Ukrainian revenue stamps] (Slovak Spectator) 10/18/2004
  • Apteka Kiev 2005 to be held in Ukraine on Feb 15-18 [international trade fair] (Pharmabiz) 10/18/2004
  • Georgian, Ukrainian financial monitoring services broaden cooperation (Interfax-Russia) 10/18/2004
  • Citigroup, JPMorgan Cut Fees as Emerging Market Debt Booms [Dresdner Kleinwort earned a fee of 1.125 percent, or $1.125 million, as the sole manager of a $100 million sale for JSIB UkrSibbank, a Ukrainian bank.] (Bloomberg) 10/18/2004

  • Striking a balance: To the envy of Canada's banks, merger mania has taken hold in the country's credit union sector [Foto: Taras Pidzamecky heads the Ukrainian Credit Union, the product of a number of mergers.] (Toronto Star) 10/17/2004

  • Indicators - Ukraine - Oct 14 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/14/2004

  • Kherson Fresh Learns from Jersey Fresh, but Blair Finds Out Farmers Are Farmers (Cape May County Herald) 10/13/2004

  • Bankers Petroleum to pay US$15M for stake in Transeuro's Ukraine project (CP/Yahoo) 10/12/2004
  • Russia runs trade surplus with CIS [Ukraine, the second most populous former Soviet republic ran the biggest deficit with other CIS members totaling $3.567 billion] (UPI/Wash Times) 10/12/2004
  • Bankers Petroleum to earn up to 80% of operating interest in Ukrainian gas producer (CNW/Yahoo) 10/12/2004

  • Ukraine's Sunoil Yields Slip (AgReport) 10/11/2004
  • Ukraine Livestock Sales Decrease (AgReport) 10/11/2004
  • Any bidder welcome: Ailing car maker FSO's only hope of escaping from total bankruptcy appears to be by attracting Ukraine's ZAZ, the only remaining potential investor interested in the acquisition. (Warsaw Business Journal) 10/11/2004
  • Speaker warns against inflation growth followed by price hike (Interfax-Moscow) 10/11/2004
  • Accession to WTO prerequisite to free access for ukrainian goods to european markets, Haidutsky (Interfax-Moscow) 10/11/2004

  • USDA detains Ukranian meat (Big News Network) 10/08/2004

  • FSIS Recalls Ukrainian Products [undetermined amount of canned meat and poultry products that entered the country from Ukraine. Ukraine is not eligible to export meat, poultry or egg products into the U.S.] (High Plains Journal) 10/07/2004
  • Environmentalists urge Ukraine to close controversial Danube delta canal (AFP/Yahoo) 10/07/2004
  • Photo: September 2004 photo shows general view of the constraction of a canal in the Danube delta, not far from the Vilkove village. Dozens of environmentalist organisations from the European Union, Russia and Ukraine urged Kiev to close a controversial canal in the Danube delta that was inaugurated just over a month ago. (AFP/Yahoo) 10/07/2004
  • Will Ukraine's ZAZ offer ailing FSO a financial tow? (Warsaw Business Journal) 10/07/2004
  • Ukrainian Ambassador to Canada discusses prospects for Canadian investments Ukrainian agriculture (Interfax) 10/07/2004
  • Hryschenko supports development of direct ties between Ukraine's, Latvia's regions and cities (Interfax) 10/07/2004
  • Mutiny on the Atlantica: Captain wouldn't give Ukrainian crewmen their wages, so they took his ship (New Times) 10/07/2004

  • Vilniaus Bankas buys controlling stake in Ukrainian financial institution [90 percent of Ukrainia's Agio Bank] (Baltic Times) 10/06/2004
  • IFC to lend $35 mln to private Ukrainian businesses (Interfax) 10/06/2004
  • Banks' interest rates [17%] match Ukraine's economic condition, says Yatseniuk (Interfax) 10/06/2004
  • A mere tenth of real estate in Ukraine bought on credit - Justice Ministry (Interfax) 10/06/2004
  • AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary [Passenger and Cargo Carrier Plans To Construct New Terminal In Kyiv's Boryspil International Airport and Expand Transatlantic Service] (BusinessWire) 10/06/2004
  • Omaha group sells dairy firm [FoodMaster, sold to to Groupe Lactalis of Laval, France, operates seven production plants in Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine, and employs 2,300.] ( 10/06/2004
  • Dunaferr privatization reaches completion [From 10/4/04 - Donbass Industrial Association has gained a 79.48% stake in Dunaferr Rt; buyer is a consortium of Ukrainian steel firm Donbass Inc., Russian metallurgy firm Altchevsky Metallurgy Inc., Swiss firm Duferco International Trading Co. and Liechtenstein-registered project company Kundax AG.] (Budapest Business Journal) 10/06/2004
  • Economic indicators - Ukraine - Oct 6 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/06/2004
  • Yanukovych wants to pass 2005 budget before election [wants increase in welfare payments fixed in the budget ahead of the poll; national budget for 2004 passed on November 27 last year.] (Interfax) 10/06/2004

  • Military on parade in Parliament [South African Defence Force charters planes from the Ukraine to transport troops and equipment] (Business Day) 10/05/2004
  • Strange delays around launch of PGNiG-NAK pipeline [from Hrubieszow in Poland to Ustilug in Ukraine] (Warsaw Business Journal) 10/05/2004
  • British investors mainly buy Naftohaz Ukrayiny Eurobonds (Interfax) 10/05/2004
  • Denmark has commercial stake in Ukraine - Foreign Ministry (Interfax) 10/05/2004
  • Heady growth but carbonates fail to fizz [kvas] (Just-Drinks) 10/05/2004
  • Google Announces 50 Google Code Jam Finalists; Programmers from Around the World to Compete in Finals at Google Headquarters [Alexander Grushetsky, Kiev, Ukraine] (Business Wire) 10/05/2004

  • Gilat Announces Lottery Agreement with Ukrainian National Lottery (Business Wire) 10/04/2004
  • Russian and Ukrainian interior ministries to focus on joint economic crimes' solution (Interfax) 10/04/2004
  • Indicators - Ukraine - Oct 4 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/04/2004
  • India To Conduct Anti-Dumping Probe Into Citric Acid Imports [investigations against the import of citric acid from China, Korea and Ukraine] (Yahoo) 10/04/2004
  • STOP Initiative Targets Piracy, Counterfeit Trade [U.S. government imposed $75 million in trade sanctions on Ukraine for its failure to take action against violations of intellectual property rights.] (USDOS) 10/04/2004
  • Counterfeiting, Organized Piracy Targeted by U.S. Agencies (USDOS) 10/04/2004
  • Donbas, a heavy industry giant from Ukraine, is eyeing up the 'Czestochowa' steelworks (Warsaw Business Journal) 10/04/2004

  • Natl. bank forecasts up to 9% inflation in 2004 (Interfax) 10/01/2004
  • Ukraine : Omaks International produces scented tights (Fibre2fashion) 10/01/2004
  • Mary Anastasia O'Grady: Venezuela?s oil-for- migs program [Sept. 16 Jane's Intelligence Digest claimed that 'negotiations are underway for Ukraine to supply more sensitive and strategically important military equipment to both Cuba and Venezuela.'] (Petroleum World) 10/01/2004
  • NBU amends mechanism of official hryvnia rate calculation (Interfax) 10/01/2004
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