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  • Ющенко: у бюджетi 10 мiльярдiв прихованих доходiв (VOA) 03/31/2004
  • Poland suspends privatization of Huta Czestochowa - Kwasniewski (Interfax) 03/31/2004
  • Nestle’s new chocolate brands reach Ukraine`s market (Food Ingredients First) 03/31/2004
  • Job gains or losses? [companies shift work to India, Ukraine] (NY Newsday) 03/31/2004
  • Naftohaz Ukrayiny to build gas plant (Interfax) 03/31/2004

  • Restoring Ukrainian trade ties gets bipartisan support (Macomb Daily) 03/30/2004
  • Russia on a Western Buying Spree (The Motley Fool) 03/30/2004
  • Opinion: Foreign Buyers Can't Afford Legitimate CDs and DVDs (Cybergrass) 03/30/2004
  • Coking coal to get more expensive, except for 18% preferential supply - Kliuyev (Interfax) 03/30/2004
  • Banning the Purchase and Sale of Land Would Mean Holding Back Land Reform (День) 03/30/2004
  • IMF approves $605m credit for Ukraine (AFP/Business Day) 03/30/2004
  • IMF approves 12-month stand-by arrangement for Ukraine (Interfax) 03/30/2004
  • Kinakh, [Russian Ambassador] Chernomyrdin urge businessmen of Ukraine and Russia to boost investment cooperation (Interfax) 03/30/2004
  • Poland puts Huta Czestochowa sale on hold due to European Union objections (Interfax) 03/30/2004

  • ПриватБанк відкрив 'Гарячу ПДВ-лінію' (УНІАН) 03/29/2004
  • Ukraine ups state debt 0.33% in Jan-Feb (Interfax) 03/29/2004
  • European tourists drawn to Ukrainian Carpathians (AFP/USA Today) 03/29/2004
  • Voice quality improvement for the Ukraine (Cellular News) 03/29/2004
  • Delek subsidiary Bitum to waterproof Ukrainian subway (Globes) 03/29/2004
  • Praxis Pharmaceuticals Inc. announces name change and new strategic direction in burgeoning energy sector (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/29/2004

  • Україна - не Росія. І не Болгарія тож довгострокова перспектива запроваджуваних із 1 квітня поточних рахунків платників ПДВ залишається туманною (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/27/2004

  • Odessa-Brody pipeline to operate in May - PM (Interfax) 03/26/2004
  • World Bank may give Ukraine second part of PAL-2 loan before summer - Barbone (Interfax) 03/26/2004
  • Khmelnytskyi nuclear reactor shut down after malfunction (Sydney Morning Herald) 03/26/2004

  • Photo: A Ukrainian crew member of a grain vessel cleans the hull of the vessel while he waits for the country's largest grain port to resume full operations in the city of Paranagua, Brazil (AP/Yahoo) 03/25/2004
  • Запах грошей: як народжується українська гривня (Львівська газета) 03/25/2004
  • Coca-Cola Creating 'Moments and Memories' for Local Communities Along Worldwide Olympic Torch Relay Route (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/25/2004
  • US deputy secretary [Armitage] hails economic reforms in Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 03/25/2004
  • US ready to support Ukraine's participation in Iraq rebuilding (Interfax) 03/25/2004
  • Alleged hacker from Ukraine to be extradited to United States for trial (AP/CRM) 03/25/2004
  • Малий бізнес відродив і поставив на промислову основу грибівництво (День) 03/25/2004

  • Ukraine to simplify VAT payments for key exporters (Reuters) 03/24/2004
  • NBU urging banks to more effective management of assets and liabilities to stabilize interbank credit market (Interfax) 03/24/2004
  • US Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine blasts VAT accounts system (Interfax) 03/24/2004
  • Running Disney's Word Machine [Zenia B. Mucha - Disney's chief communications officer] (LA Times) 03/24/2004
  • Ukraine should import 200,000 tonnes of bread grain by new harvest - government (Interfax) 03/24/2004
  • VR rejects draft closing Azov and Donetsk special economic zones (Interfax) 03/24/2004
  • General Prosecutor's Office Closed Criminal Case Against Ex-Vice-Premier for Agricultural-Industrial Complex Kozachenko (UNIAN) 03/24/2004
  • Україна хоче взяти участь в розбудові транспортної інфраструктури Аргентини (УНІАН) 03/24/2004

  • Ukraine's deadly coal mines [from 3/4/04] (BBC) 03/23/2004
  • GDP growth hardly correlates with rise in budget revenues - finance ministry (Interfax) 03/23/2004
  • Introduction of accounts for VAT collection may affect economy - AUB (Interfax) 03/23/2004
  • Supply chain innovation will help maltsters survive (The Scotsman) 03/23/2004
  • Pipeline operator Mero aims to transport Kazakh oil to Europe via Czech Republic (Interfax) 03/23/2004

  • Armenia-Iran pipeline may be extended to Ukraine, EU (Interfax) 03/22/2004
  • West Georgia Board of Realtors profiles [...nothing compared with the time a Ukrainian client paid for a $500,000 home in cash.] (Atlanta Business Chronicle) 03/22/2004
  • Psytechnics Guarantees Voice Quality for Millions of Ukrainian Wireless Users (Business Wire) 03/22/2004
  • CeBIT-2004: майбутнє за третім поколінням мобільного зв'язку UMTS (Deutsche Welle) 03/22/2004
  • Parliament Rejects Bill Giving Religious Organizations Right to Own Land (RISU) 03/22/2004
  • Central Bank predicts stronger hryvnia (Interfax) 03/22/2004
  • National Bank of Ukraine sees 5.5-6.2 percent inflation in 2005 (Interfax) 03/22/2004
  • Kuchma proposes amnesty to shadow capital in 2004 (Interfax) 03/22/2004
  • Parliament to pass bill to avoid shutdown of car works - Lytvyn (Interfax) 03/22/2004
  • One person’s junk is Foster’s treasure (Salem Statesman Journal) 03/22/2004
  • CeBIT Cossacks offer programs with a difference (Inquirer) 03/22/2004
  • Paintball in the CEE (Warsaw Business Journal) 03/22/2004

  • «Продажна» земля (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/20/2004

  • Ocean oil dumpers meet wily match (Portland Tribune) 03/19/2004
  • Kuchma submits bill on incomes legalization to VR (Interfax) 03/19/2004
  • Privatization in ukraine should be completed by 2008 - Kuchma (Interfax) 03/19/2004
  • Ukraine, Kazakhstan to sign in April agreement on filling Odesa-Brody pipeline (Interfax) 03/19/2004
  • GDP to grow 7% with inflation up to 6%-7% in 2004-2005, Kuchma forecasts (Interfax) 03/19/2004
  • Egypt to launch its first scientific satellite [Egyptsat 1 is being built by the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences in collaboration with Ukraine] (Science and Development Network) 03/19/2004

  • Freezing Outside of the Box [Apprentice hopefuls show their drive, street smarts, and audacity in the financial district: Michael Milyavsky] (Village Voice) 03/18/2004
  • Chr Hansen moves into rapidly emerging Ukraine food market (Food Navigator) 03/18/2004
  • Ukraine President Sees 7% GDP Growth In 2004, 2005 -Agency (Dow Jones/Yahoo) 03/18/2004
  • US Recommends Ban on Checks of Businesses (Главред) 03/18/2004
  • Microsoft Windows 80-ма мовами (BBC Ukrainian) 03/18/2004

  • Next stop Ukraine as PZU looks to the East in 2004 (Warsaw Business Journal) 03/17/2004
  • Ющенко думає, що Тігіпко шкодить національним інтересам (Українська правда) 03/17/2004
  • Furniture production in Ukraine in 2004 to go up by 26-30% - Industrial Policy Ministry (Interfax) 03/17/2004
  • UK oil firm JKX eyes Ukraine, Russia acquisition (Reuters) 03/17/2004

  • Microsoft Enables Millions More to Experience Personal Computing Through Local Language Program (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/16/2004
  • Ukraine makes Eurobond payments (Interfax) 03/16/2004
  • Lawmakers suggest withdrawing sugar from free trade with Georgia (Interfax) 03/16/2004

  • Kyiv, Washington resume talks on SS-24 rocket fuel utilization (Interfax) 03/15/2004
  • First National will host Ukrainian banker (Kansas City Business Journal) 03/15/2004
  • Chernobyl Shelter Implementation Plan (EBRD) 03/15/2004
  • Monster plane hauls huge Chart cold box [Antonov 124] (La Crosse Tribune) 03/15/2004

  • Daewoo-FSO to sell 50,000 cars in Ukraine (AFP/Business Day) 03/13/2004

  • Sander M. Levin: Introduction of a bill that would grant unconditional and permanent trade relations to Ukraine (PNTR) [graduate Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanik amendment] (Congressional Record) 03/11/2004
  • IMF Will Decide on $600 Million Loan to Ukraine on March 29 (Bloomberg) 03/11/2004
  • Fairchild International update in Ukraine (PRNewswire) 03/11/2004
  • Praxis completes major transaction [Naftogaz] (PRNewswire) 03/11/2004
  • Yukos To Sell Power Assets To Holding Co - Vedomosti [Energetichesky Standart] (Dow Jones/Yahoo) 03/11/2004
  • NBU again initiating permit to foreign banks to open branches in Ukraine - Tihipko (Interfax) 03/11/2004

  • Фельдмана визнано невинним в ухиляннi вiд сплати податкiв, однак вiн залишатиметься пiд вартою. (VOA) 03/10/2004
  • 11,000 Ukrainians Ask for Alternative ID Registration (RISU) 03/10/2004
  • Supreme court softens sentence on banker Feldman from 9 to 5 years (Interfax) 03/10/2004
  • Russian Ambassador Chernomyrdin considers low level of mutual investments as inadmissible (Interfax) 03/10/2004
  • Cabinet liquidates working groups on Odesa-Brody functioning and gas transport system concept (Interfax) 03/10/2004
  • World Bank may revise credit portfolio for Ukraine in mid-April (Interfax) 03/10/2004

  • 'Тяжка реальність українців, які працюють у Британії' (BBC Ukrainian) 03/09/2004
  • Internet fraud: volumes are increasing (Computer Crime Research Center) 03/09/2004
  • EBRD invests 116 mln euros in Ukraine (Interfax) 03/09/2004
  • Ukraine forecasts 8% GDP growth in 2004 (Interfax) 03/09/2004
  • Surplus of current balance of payment in 2004 to top $2 bn - Economics Ministry Expert (Interfax) 03/09/2004
  • Cabinet liquidates working groups on Odesa-Brody functioning and gas transport system concept (Interfax) 03/09/2004
  • Декларації про доходи подало менше третини українців (Forum) 03/09/2004
  • Профспілки - проти експлуатації українців у Британії (BBC Ukrainian) 03/09/2004
  • Ukraine's ZALK smelter cuts aluminium output in Feb (Reuters) 03/09/2004

  • Photo: With an unidentified aide walking beside him, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko (R), arrives for a pre-trial hearing at the federal courthouse in San Francisco (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/08/2004
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko arrives for a pre-trial court hearing at the federal courthouse in San Francisco, March 8, 2004 (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/08/2004
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko arrives for a pre-trial court hearing at the federal courthouse in San Francisco (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/08/2004
  • Four years after U.S. indictment, Ukraine Prime Minister goes to trial (Moneylaundering) 03/08/2004
  • Cableready Sells 'The Genocide Factor' to MBC TV (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 03/08/2004
  • Ukraine and the FATF: from sanctions to cooperation (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/08/2004
  • Serhiy Yermilov: “National companies must not have executives who, by their actions, abase both themselves and the country.” (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/08/2004
  • Ukrainian weapons arrive in Burma (Democratic Voice of Burma) 03/08/2004
  • La Crosse company eases Australian energy crisis [Antonov 124-100 from Ukraine] (La Crosse Tribune) 03/08/2004

  • Bill helps Ukraine [lifting Jackson-Vanick restrictions] (Macomb Daily) 03/07/2004

  • Єрмілова звільнено. На його місце йде Бойко? (Українська Правда) 03/05/2004
  • Ukraine signs European convention on legal status of migrant workers (Government portal) 03/05/2004
  • Ukraine speaks for bigger quota on export of small and medium pipes to Russia from 485,000 to 550,000 tonnes (Interfax) 03/05/2004
  • Ukrainian companies threaten to cut off supplies to PHS (Warsaw Business Journal) 03/05/2004
  • Безробітних жителів Закарпаття влаштовують на роботу в східних областях (Deutsche Welle) 03/05/2004
  • Результати приватизації сталеливарного підприємства 'Гута Ченстохова' обговорили в польському сеймі (Deutsche Welle) 03/05/2004
  • Rada to Extend Ban on Sale of Land until 2010 (Главред) 03/05/2004
  • Українська гривня нарешті отримала міжнародний знак (Львівська газета) 03/05/2004

  • Німецькі експерти допомагають Україні розвивати транскордонну співпрацю (Deutsche Welle) 03/04/2004
  • Ukrainian Ship Runs Aground (Turkish Press) 03/04/2004
  • Підприємці Львівщини скаржаться на тиск з боку податкової адміністрації (Deutsche Welle) 03/04/2004
  • Графічне 'обличчя' української гривні [New symbol for Ukrainian Hryvnia] (BBC Ukrainian) 03/04/2004
  • Ukrainian government to shift state institutions to legal software (Computer Crime Research Center) 03/04/2004
  • Russia, Ukraine to further talks on raising pipe import quota (Interfax) 03/04/2004
  • Ruhrgas ready to participate in first stage of gas transport consortium (Interfax) 03/04/2004

  • UIA will prevent offence in the Internet (Computer Crime Research Center) 03/03/2004
  • Government approves bill on State Privatization Program for 2004-2006 (Interfax) 03/03/2004
  • Ukraine posts highest industrial output growth in CIS (Interfax) 03/03/2004
  • Parliament rejects World Bank loan agreement for land reform (Interfax) 03/03/2004
  • Eastern Europe not solely to blame for spam (Computer Weekly) 03/03/2004
  • Ukraine bans poultry from Texas, Canada (AP/Miami Herald) 03/03/2004
  • The Deprived Dozen [World's Richest People - not in Ukraine; from 3/1/04] (Forbes) 03/03/2004
  • Ukraine plans to bid for FATF membership next year (Interfax) 03/03/2004
  • Ukrainian nuclear plants increase production 6% in Jan-Feb (Interfax) 03/03/2004

  • Kuchma Calls VAT a Criminalized Tax and Accuses Government of Inactivity for Its Regulation (UNIAN) 03/02/2004
  • «Зіркова хвороба»: Лише 10% українських готелів відповідають стандартам ЄС (День) 03/02/2004

  • Експерти прогнозують зростання цін напередодні виборів (Deutsche Welle) 03/01/2004
  • Privatization a la Polonaise: The Huta Czenstochowa situation (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/01/2004
  • Кучма називає ПДВ криміналізованим податком і звинувачує уряд у бездіяльності щодо його впорядкування (УНІАН) 03/01/2004
  • New Market for Turkish Contractors Opens in Ukraine (Zaman) 03/01/2004
  • U.S. Embassy's statement on Ukraine's removal from FATF 'black list' [money laundering] (Interfax) 03/01/2004
  • Sea Launch and Inmarsat Sign Launch Agreement (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/01/2004
  • Kyiv to be able to develop infrastructure due to investment (Interfax) 03/01/2004
  • Fair competition within CES impossible unless energy resource prices are equal on domestic and foreign markets - Yermylov (Interfax) 03/01/2004
    [Current Month]
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