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  • Turkmen leader moots Ukrainian participation in trans-Afghan gas pipeline (BBC/FT-Ashgabat) 04/30/2002
  • Для реалізації одного із своїх проектів Європейський аерокосмічний концерн EADS, вірогідно, буде змушений шукати допомогу в Східній Європі, а саме в Україні та Росії (Радіо Свобода) 04/30/2002
  • Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan sign security agreement [Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Romania: countries that are involved in oil production, transit or import may join] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/30/2002
  • Take me out to the equator: A unique satellite launch service offers a miniprimer on globalization [Sea Launch] (U.S.News) 04/30/2002
  • Indusmin Announces New Director: Konstantine Alenxandrovich Sukhodolsky (Business Wire/FT) 04/30/2002
  • Нові енергетичні проекти України і Туркменістану: фантазії і реальність (Радіо Свобода) 04/30/2002
  • 50 Nations Get Copyright Warnings (AP/Yahoo) 04/30/2002
  • Despite economic achievements, investments drop in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 04/30/2002
  • Government considers chemical industry as strategic branch (AgriUkraine) 04/30/2002
  • 57% of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises are profitable (AgriUkraine) 04/30/2002
  • Poland, Ukraine sign agreement on EU cooperation (BBC/FT-Warsaw) 04/30/2002
  • Ліквідатор банку 'Україна' хоче розірвати договір з НБУ (Korespondent) 04/30/2002
  • Війна між керівництвом компанії 'Оболонь' і її акціонерами триває (Korespondent) 04/30/2002

  • Ukraine plans to invest in Tajik hydro-power plants (BBC/FT-Dushanbe) 04/29/2002
  • Ukraine, Russia to sign new Black Sea Fleet accords in June - ministers (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/29/2002
  • Turkmen, Ukrainian president sign cooperation agreement, order quick gas fix (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/29/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] states resolve to settle old gas debt (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/29/2002
  • Кучма проштовхує труби Пінчука в Туркменістан (Українська Правда) 04/29/2002
  • Україна розроблятиме нафтові і газові родовища в Каспійському морі (Korespondent) 04/29/2002
  • US Farm Bill Blasted in Australia, Accepted in Asia (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/29/2002
  • Cabinet of Ministers wants to increase financing of social infrastructure in the countryside (AgriUkraine) 04/29/2002
  • State paid to agriculturists for cattle of high-weight categories (AgriUkraine) 04/29/2002
  • State will compensate half of losses caused by spring frosts in Crimea (AgriUkraine) 04/29/2002
  • Turkmen president invites Ukraine to join gas pipeline project (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/29/2002
  • Ukrainian nuclear power station to go over to American fuel (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/29/2002
  • Turkmen president offers Ukraine to develop gas on Caspian shelf (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/29/2002
  • Optimism on coarse grains production (Lloyds List/FT) 04/29/2002

  • Ukrainian Security Service links money laundering to land distribution (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/28/2002
  • Ukraine: Reformist former PM [Yushchenko] blames opponents for economic woes (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/28/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] to hold gas talks in Turkmenistan (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/28/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] off for gas talks in Turkmenistan (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/28/2002
  • Belarusian, Ukrainian leaders discuss trade, debt, cross-border travel (BBC/FT-Minsk) 04/28/2002
  • Ukraine president to Turkmenistan for gas talks (AP/Yahoo) 04/28/2002

  • Євразійське економічне співтовариство: наміри й перспективи (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/27/2002
  • Shipbuilding powers aiming at pact to curb subsidies (Financial Times) 04/27/2002
  • Tajik-Ukrainian power, transport cooperation agreement signed - Tajik TV (BBC/FT-Dushanbe) 04/27/2002
  • Presidents of Ukraine, Poland meet to discuss pipeline projects (AP/Yahoo) 04/27/2002

  • Russia developing technology [with Ukraine's Antonov] for orbiting plane (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/26/2002
  • One-third of Ukrainians living in poverty - minister [Sakhan] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/26/2002
  • Ukraine interested in construction of Armenia-Iran gas pipeline - envoy (BBC/FT-Yerevan) 04/26/2002
  • Ukrainian shipyard launches floating dock for Russian navy (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/26/2002
  • Russia brings in new helicopter engine [turbines manufactured in Ukraine] (BBC/FT-St Petersburg) 04/26/2002
  • Вироби компанії «Чумак»: шведський інвестор знайшов сіль українського бізнесу (Радіо Свобода) 04/26/2002
  • Ukrainian army leaves Black Sea island, allowing economy to develop (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2002
  • США мають намір скасувати санкції проти України (Korespondent) 04/26/2002

  • Переговори Українсько-американської Ради з економічної політики у Вашингтоні (Радіо Свобода) 04/25/2002
  • China, Iran, interested in production of new Ukrainian helicopter (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/25/2002
  • 'Оболонь' подала позови на 'Сармат' (Korespondent) 04/25/2002
  • Ощадбанк працюватиме 7 днів на тиждень (Korespondent) 04/25/2002
  • Українці купують українське (Korespondent) 04/25/2002
  • Звільнення у структурі ДПАУ (Korespondent) 04/25/2002

  • Україна лишатиметься основною транзитною державою енергоносіїв у Західну Європу (Радіо Свобода) 04/24/2002
  • Natural possibilities of independence (AgriUkraine) 04/24/2002
  • Food grain will make 50% of Ukrainian export in 2002 (AgriUkraine) 04/24/2002
  • Tajiks, Ukrainians mark anniversary of diplomatic relations (BBC/FT-Dushanbe) 04/24/2002
  • Canada to sponsor business development in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 04/24/2002
  • Experts urge Ukraine to improve laws, lower taxes to combat money laundering (AP/Yahoo) 04/24/2002
  • Slovaks remain stoic about beef despite rising cases of mad cow disease (AP/Yahoo) 04/24/2002

  • Jordanian king, visiting Ukrainian president [Kuchma] discuss bilateral, regional issues (BBC/FT-Amman) 04/23/2002
  • Croatia Puts Hitch in Druzhba (St. Petersburg Times) 04/23/2002
  • Cabinet of Ministers plans to ban selling of milk on tap (AgriUkraine) 04/23/2002
  • Mortgage bank will be established in Ukraine as soon as in 2003 (AgriUkraine) 04/23/2002

  • Ukrainian leader [Kuchma] seeks economic contracts, offers mediation in Middle East (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/22/2002
  • Lebanon and Ukraine sign cooperation agreements (AP/Yahoo) 04/22/2002
  • Азаров: в основний економічний документ закачано повітря (Korespondent) 04/22/2002
  • Samsung має намір українізувати мобільні телефони (Korespondent) 04/22/2002
  • Most countries see stability increase (Financial Times) 04/22/2002
  • Ukrainian reactor unit [Zaporizhzhya] reconnected after repairs (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/22/2002

  • Ми приречені на атомне майбутнє: Володимир Усатенко про стан української енергетики (Deutsche Welle) 04/21/2002
  • Syrian-Ukrainian officials hold economic talks in Damascus (BBC/FT-Damascus) 04/21/2002
  • Economic agreements signed during Ukrainian president's Syrian visit (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/21/2002
  • Syria and Ukraine sign economic cooperation agreements (BBC/FT-Damascus) 04/21/2002

  • Ukraine whittles down its IMF debt (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/20/2002
  • Ukraine still needs to identify its development priorities - PM [Kinakh] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/20/2002
  • Ukraine unmoved by Russia's lifting of US poultry ban (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/20/2002
  • Ukrainian reactor [Zaporizhzhya] halted for scheduled maintenance (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/20/2002

  • Newspaper [Kievskiye Vedomosti] doubts Russian plan to build gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/19/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] laments government's failure to tackle tax evasion (BBC/FT-c) 04/19/2002
  • [Borys Feldman] Ukrainian controversial banker receives jail sentence (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/19/2002
  • Cabinet of Ministers forecasts price-cutting of grain by 15% in July (AgriUkraine) 04/19/2002

  • Agriculturalists sowed 4.5 million ha of grain crops (AgriUkraine) 04/18/2002
  • 40.3% of peasants arranged documents for private property on land (AgriUkraine) 04/18/2002
  • Cabinet of Ministers resumed privileges of agriculturists (AgriUkraine) 04/18/2002
  • Ukraine's government promises stable grain market this year (AP/Yahoo) 04/18/2002

  • Україні можуть надати статус країни з ринковою економікою (Українська Правда) 04/17/2002
  • Ukraine: Electricity privatization held up by companies' debts (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/17/2002
  • Ukrainian opposition [Khortytsya] TV channel's frequency slot changes hands (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/17/2002
  • Ukraine: Kiev-based TV station [UTAR] loses broadcasting licence (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/17/2002
  • Spring planting is almost completed in Lougansk region (AgriUkraine) 04/17/2002
  • Profitability of APK of Ukraine was reached owing to grain and sunflower (AgriUkraine) 04/17/2002
  • В українській економіці дедалі більше позитивних ознак, але німецькі фірми досі стримано ставляться до бізнесу в Україні (Радіо Свобода) 04/17/2002
  • Ukrainian grain harvest prospects improve (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/17/2002
  • Ощадбанк готовий розпочати виплати компенсацій (Korespondent) 04/17/2002

  • EnTechEco Finished 'Ukrainian' Stages of Implementing Technological Process Control System for Aksu ferroalloys plant (BRAMA) 04/16/2002
  • Leader Mining Signs STI/VAMI Technology Transfer Agreement for Cogburn Magnesium Project [Zaporizhzhya] (Business Wire/FT) 04/16/2002
  • AES Restructures Eletropaulo Holding Company Financing (Business Wire/Yahoo) 04/16/2002
  • Leader Mining Signs STI/VAMI Technology Transfer Agreement for Cogburn Magnesium Project (Business Wire/Yahoo) 04/16/2002
  • Ukraine hosts South Korean trade delegation (AP/Yahoo) 04/16/2002
  • 'Київенерго' підвищить тарифи (Korespondent) 04/16/2002
  • Ukrainian delegation to discuss U.S. poultry imports, steel exports (AP/Yahoo) 04/16/2002

  • New chief unlikely to bring change to Ukrainian arms sales monopoly (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/15/2002
  • Fault shuts down reactor at Ukraine's biggest nuclear station [Zaporizhzhya] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/15/2002
  • Convoy sets out along [Great Silk Road] route from Germany to Uzbekistan [via Kyiv/Kiev] (BBC/FT-Tashkent) 04/15/2002
  • Initiative that led to sweet pickings [Ukraine's black earth - 'chornozem'] (Financial Times) 04/15/2002
  • Import of grain became more profitable (AgriUkraine) 04/15/2002

  • Ukraine: Repairs force [Rivne] nuclear power plant to cut output (BBC/FT) 04/13/2002
  • Ukraine reports 3.8-per-cent rise in GDP in Q1 (BBC/FT) 04/13/2002
  • Ukraine delays Turkmen gas payments (BBC/FT) 04/13/2002

  • Questions Linger About Moscow's Natural Gas Plans (RFE/RL) 04/12/2002
  • Ukraine-Russia agree to concessions on customs duties and value-added taxes (AP/Yahoo) 04/12/2002
  • Experts expect Ukrainian grain harvest to fall in 2002 (AP/Yahoo) 04/12/2002
  • Від захисних торгових заходів Україна втрачає більше від Росії (Korespondent) 04/12/2002

  • Ukrainian PM [Kinakh] opposes privatization of gas pipelines (BBC/FT) 04/11/2002
  • Ukrainian leader [Kuchma] talks to World Bank, Turkmen presidents by phone (BBC/FT) 04/11/2002
  • Russian envoy urges closer economic ties with Ukraine (BBC/FT) 04/11/2002
  • Ukrainian plant to supply equipment for Iraqi pump station (BBC/FT) 04/11/2002
  • Ukraine's Kuchma to visit Turkmenistan on 28-30 April (BBC/FT) 04/11/2002
  • [Israeli high-tech company] SuperCom Announces a $17.5 Million Contract With the Ukrainian Government - 2nd Implementation phase (PR Newswire/FT) 04/11/2002
  • Ukraine wins tender to launch Egyptian satellite (BBC/FT) 04/11/2002
  • One miner dies, two hospitalized after hunger strike in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 04/11/2002
  • Україна виграла тендер на виготовлення супутника для Єгипту (Korespondent) 04/11/2002
  • Нацбанк України хоче збільшити мінімальний капітал банків (Korespondent) 04/11/2002
  • Антимонопольний комітет попередив 'Сармат' про можливе порушення закону (Korespondent) 04/11/2002
  • Запроваджується посекундна тарифікація послуг зв'язку (Korespondent) 04/11/2002
  • Ukrainian consumer confidence falls for first since 2000, industrial growth continues (AP/Yahoo) 04/11/2002

  • Ukrainian, Russian premiers agree to seek WTO entry together (BBC/FT) 04/10/2002
  • Ukrainian, Russian premiers discuss ways to remove trade obstacles (BBC/FT) 04/10/2002
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] rules out privatization of major gas pipelines (BBC/FT) 04/10/2002
  • Ukraine: Business rather than politics behind MP hopeful [Shkriblyak]'s murder - paper [Zerkalo Nedeli] (BBC/FT) 04/10/2002
  • Russia to loan 45m dollars to Ukraine for nuclear power plants (BBC/FT) 04/10/2002
  • Strong hryvnya rate helps Ukraine to spend less on debt servicing (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/10/2002
  • Україна в 2003 році запустить супутник зв'язку (Korespondent) 04/10/2002
  • Віктор Пинзеник для Радіо 'Свобода': '...економіка знов переходить у тінь ... частка грошей поза банками' (Радіо Свобода) 04/10/2002
  • Зловживання владою Кучмою викличе нову спробу імпічменту [інвестиційній клімат в Україні] (Радіо Свобода) 04/10/2002
  • Російська і українська мафія намагається підпорядкувати собі світову торгівлю наркотиками (Радіо Свобода) 04/10/2002
  • The Khmelnytsky Saponite Project (BRAMA) 04/10/2002
  • In March bread became cheaper in two regions and in Kiev (AgriUkraine) 04/10/2002
  • Telecommunications - Kyiv (Ukrainian-Swiss Joint Venture 'Ascom Astel') (BISNIS) 04/10/2002
  • Computer Software and Services - Kharkiv, Ukraine (Soft Pro Work Group) (BISNIS) 04/10/2002
  • Medical Equipment & Products - Kiev, Ukraine (Medtorg) (BISNIS) 04/10/2002
  • [Luhansk] Miner dies in hunger strike against wage arrears (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/10/2002
  • Ukraine's PM [Kinakh] arrives in Moscow for trade talks with Russian counterpart [bilateral agreements on military research and protocol on industrial cooperation] (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/10/2002
  • State programs in APK are financed by 40-80% (AgriUkraine) 04/10/2002
  • Ukrtsukor is worried by threat of appearance in the market of sugar produced from Cuban raw sugar (AgriUkraine) 04/10/2002
  • Україна підписала військовий контракт з Пакистаном на 150 млн доларів (Korespondent) 04/10/2002

  • Ukraine-US talks on poultry imports deadlocked (BBC/FT) 04/09/2002
  • Scottish & Newcastle wins approval in Ukraine for Hartwall buy (BBC/FT) 04/09/2002
  • Ukrainian leader [Kuchma]'s visit to Pakistan to focus on military cooperation - paper (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/09/2002
  • Cabinet of Ministers signed off 433 million UAH of debts of grain-collecting companies (AgriUkraine) 04/09/2002
  • Ukraine cooperates with Austria in the field of legislation of land relations (AgriUkraine) 04/09/2002
  • 40% of owners of land certificates received Acts on land (AgriUkraine) 04/09/2002
  • Kredyt Bank Registered in Ukraine (Polish News Bulletin/FT) 04/09/2002
  • Experts alarmed that gas pipeline may bypass Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 04/09/2002
  • Microsoft suspends legal actions against Russian, Ukrainian Internet cafes (AP/Yahoo) 04/09/2002

  • Kazakhstan, Ukraine to step up cooperation, Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] says (BBC/FT-Almaty) 04/08/2002
  • Germany: Deutsche Welle expands Ukrainian output (BBC/FT-Cologne) 04/08/2002
  • Кінах в Алма-Ати про перспективи транзиту казахської нафти в Європу через Україну (Радіо Свобода) 04/08/2002
  • Вкладники Ощадбанку СРСР отримають по 50 гривень (Korespondent) 04/08/2002
  • Ан-70 знайшов першого закордонного покупця (Korespondent) 04/08/2002
  • Bordering on prosperity (Warsaw Business Journal) 04/08/2002
  • Official: Ukraine's agricultural sector improves, investment problems remain (AP/Yahoo) 04/08/2002
  • Ukrainian PM, Kazakh president stress trade potential during [Eurasian Economic Forum] talks (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/08/2002
  • Ukraine seeks role in CIS energy alliance (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/08/2002
  • Ukraine shows new armour in Malaysia (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/08/2002
  • Turkish-Ukrainian Tourism Cooperation Protocol signed (Turkish Daily News/FT) 04/08/2002
  • Inside Track Law and Business: How to get results in problem areas (Financial Times) 04/08/2002

  • Ukrainians get back fraction [about 10 dollars worth] of lost Soviet deposits (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/07/2002

  • Ukrainian PM [Kinakh] advocates pragmatic approach to CIS economic body (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/06/2002
  • Ukrainian PM [Kinakh] sees no alternative to cooperation with Russia (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/06/2002
  • Ukraine AutoExpo 2002 [Multimedia presentation] (Autoexpo) 04/06/2002
  • Car Chemical Market in Ukraine (BISNIS) 04/06/2002
  • Automotive Aftermarket and Car Care Market in Ukraine (BISNIS) 04/06/2002
  • Setting Up a Gas Station Network in Ukraine (BISNIS) 04/06/2002
  • Photo/s: Ukrainian Company Zip-Avto Seeks U.S. Partner and Products (BISNIS) 04/06/2002
  • Des Moines expert recommends new methods to improve water quality in Cherkasy [Ukraine] (CPP/USUF) 04/06/2002
  • Trade union official alarmed at unemployment rate in CIS [pointed to high share of women in Ukraine] (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/06/2002

  • Senior official sees economics as basis for union of Russia and Belarus (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/05/2002
  • New Azeri coins [produced by National Bank of Ukraine] commemorate medieval poet, epic (BBC/FT-Baku) 04/05/2002
  • Coming talks unlikely to end Ukrainian-Russian trade war - paper [Den] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/05/2002
  • 7th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN): 14 panels on Ukraine, 4 films/documentaries (BRAMA) 04/05/2002
  • Sugar beet sown on 56,000 ha (AgriUkraine) 04/05/2002
  • Ukrainian banks issued to agriculturists privileged credits for 862 million UAH (AgriUkraine) 04/05/2002
  • Agricultural machinery from Kharkiv conquers Kazakhstan (AgriUkraine) 04/05/2002

  • Ukrainian foreign minister [Zlenko] praises understanding with Austria (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/04/2002
  • Makers of Russian-Ukrainian transport aircraft [An-70] seek buyers (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/04/2002
  • Ukrainian nuclear reactor [Rivne] shut down for overhaul (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/04/2002
  • Ukraine breaks with leftist past, fails to move on (Business Recorder/FT) 04/04/2002
  • Ukraine grain prices drop, hit by oversupply (Business Recorder/FT) 04/04/2002
  • Almost 4 million ha of grain crops have been sown already (AgriUkraine) 04/04/2002

  • Ukraine bouyed by elections (page down to this item) (Business Recorder/FT) 04/03/2002
  • Malfunctions cause reduction in output at Ukrainian power plants (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/03/2002
  • National Bank of Ukraine cuts discount rate (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/03/2002
  • Ukraine exports 3.95 million tonnes wheat (Business Recorder/FT) 04/03/2002

  • Canada among 52 countries cited by U.S. for alleged unfair trade barriers (AP/Yahoo) 04/02/2002
  • Ukraine-Russia flights cancelled over dispute (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/02/2002
  • Ukrainian daily questions coal privatization scheme (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 04/02/2002
  • Acting state arms exports chief [Kovalenko] appointed in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/02/2002

  • Pro-West reformer [Yushchenko] leads Ukraine poll (The Scotsman) 04/01/2002
  • Russian, Ukrainian airlines to buy Antonov-140 aircraft (BBC/FT-Moscow) 04/01/2002
  • Ukrainian president decrees reform of investment body (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 04/01/2002
  • Ukraine votes in poll crucial for Kuchma's future (Business Recorder/FT) 04/01/2002
  • Meat industry urged to follow Fonterra model (New Zealand Herald/FT) 04/01/2002
  • Reformer [Viktor Yushchenko's Western-friendly Our Ukraine party] claims victory in Ukraine poll (Business Recorder/FT) 04/01/2002
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