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  • How Susie Bayer's T-Shirt Ended Up on Yusuf Mama's Back (NY Times) 03/31/2002
  • Ukraine: Election winner [Yushchenko's Our Ukraine Bloc] says entry to EU possible in 4-5 years (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/31/2002
  • Ukrainian reformer [Vitktor Yushchenko, the leader of the Our Ukraine bloc] hails victory (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/31/2002

  • Ukraine ends duty-free Moldavian sugar imports (Business Recorder/FT) 03/30/2002
  • China cooperates with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine on technology project (BBC/FT-Beijing) 03/30/2002
  • Ukraine's economy set for boost after election (Business Recorder/FT) 03/30/2002

  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] says duty on Russian imports 'preventive measure' (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/29/2002
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] defends protectionist measures (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/29/2002
  • Ukrainian giant jets [Antonov-124-100] to continue flying German cargoes to Afghanistan (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/29/2002
  • Ukraine's government approves import of 30,000 tons (33,000 short tons) of Cuba's raw cane sugar (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2002
  • Ukraine introduces 20 percent custom duty on some Russian goods (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2002
  • Нові члени ЄС можуть фінансово програти від вступу (Радіо Свобода) 03/29/2002
  • Ukraine introduces 20 percent custom duty on some Russian goods (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2002
  • World Bank allots 30m dollars to Ukrainian private sector (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/29/2002
  • WNISEF: Food industry is profitable in Ukraine (AgriUkraine) 03/29/2002
  • Antonov aircraft designer calls on Russia, Ukraine to combine efforts (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/29/2002
  • Armenia welcomes Ukraine's interest in gas pipeline construction - premier (BBC/FT-Yerevan) 03/29/2002
  • Ukrainian giant jets to continue flying German cargoes to Afghanistan (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/29/2002
  • Record grain exports seen for Ukraine: US attache (Business Recorder/FT) 03/29/2002

  • WNISEF: Food industry is profitable in Ukraine (AgriUkraine) 03/28/2002
  • Ukraine to mull an additional Eurobond issue (Business Recorder/FT) 03/28/2002

  • Ukraine reports 18-per-cent rise in average wage (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/27/2002
  • Ukraine's government approves import of 30,000 tons of Cuba's raw cane sugar (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2002
  • Fitch ups Ukraine's long term ratings to B (Business Recorder/FT) 03/27/2002
  • Ukraine given pre-poll upgrade (Financial Times) 03/27/2002
  • Fitch upgrades Ukraine's long-term ratings to 'B' from 'B-'; outlook stable (AFX Europe/FT) 03/27/2002
  • Slovenia, Ukraine to cooperate in trade, science, technology (BBC/FT-Ljubljana) 03/27/2002
  • Ukraine: Poorly-run private companies to change hands (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/27/2002
  • Moldova says Ukraine's move to restrict sugar imports 'not justified' (BBC/FT-Chisinau) 03/27/2002

  • Romania and Bulgaria Edge Nearer to NATO Membership (NY Times) 03/26/2002
  • Ukraine wins ratings upgrade ahead of elections (Financial Times) 03/26/2002
  • Agriculturists received 614 million UAH of credits from the beginning of the year (AgriUkraine) 03/26/2002
  • US Feb Steel Imports +2.2% By Dollar; +13.4% By Volume (Dow Jones/Yahoo) 03/26/2002
  • EBRD to give dlrs 12 million loan to Ukrainian biggest glass producer (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2002
  • EBRD to give dlrs 12 million loan to Ukraine's biggest glass producer (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2002
  • U.S. steel imports rose 13.4 pct in February (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2002
  • Agriculturists received 614 million UAH of credits from the beginning of the year (AgriUkraine) 03/26/2002

  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] to visit Turkmenistan 30 April - 1 May (BBC/FT-Ashgabat) 03/25/2002
  • EU to Impose Tariffs on Steel Imports in Response to U.S. Measure (Dow Jones/Yahoo) 03/25/2002
  • Ukrainian opposition bloc protest tax administration actions (AP/Yahoo) 03/25/2002
  • EU Readies Tariffs to Protect Steel (AP/Yahoo) 03/25/2002
  • Економічні перетворення на селі йдуть за чіткою схемою? (Радіо Свобода) 03/25/2002
  • EU to Slap Duties on Steel in Trade Dispute with U.S. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/25/2002
  • Veterinary service demands from the USA to stop usage of antibiotics in feed (AgriUkraine) 03/25/2002
  • Veterinary service demands from the USA to stop usage of antibiotics in feed (AgriUkraine) 03/25/2002
  • MinAP forecasts increase of production of broilers' meat (AgriUkraine) 03/25/2002
  • Government will co-ordinate regulating of grain market (AgriUkraine) 03/25/2002
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] urges united effort to support state interest on (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/25/2002

  • World currencies and dollar (Business Recorder/FT) 03/24/2002
  • World currencies and Euro (Business Recorder/FT) 03/24/2002
  • World currencies and sterling Business Recorder (Business Recorder/FT) 03/24/2002

  • Ukrainian energy sector posts rise in output in 2001 (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/23/2002
  • Ukraine continues US chicken embargo (BBC News) 03/23/2002

  • Ukraine will not allow US poultry imports - chief veterinary surgeon (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/22/2002
  • Ukraine offers Russia upgraded engines for training plane (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/22/2002

  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] says country ready to employ Lithuanian nuclear specialists (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/21/2002
  • Ukrainian GDP, positive trade balance up in January 2002 [Uraydovyy Kuryer] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/21/2002
  • Ukraine: Front-running former PM [Our Ukraine electoral bloc leader Yushchenko] says Savings Bank close to collapse (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/21/2002
  • Ukrainian arms dealing rumours spread by competitors - defence industry chief [Horbulin] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/21/2002

  • Russia, Ukraine launch mass production of new military plane [Aviant state-owned aircraft plant based in Kyiv] (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/20/2002
  • Luxury Mercedes cars to be built in Ukraine (Financial Times) 03/20/2002
  • Ukrainian tax chief [Azarov] takes swipe at West for 'moralizing' about money-laundering (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/20/2002
  • Ukraine's unemployment drops 7.8 percent over year (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/2002
  • A new technique of grain quality definition will be put in action by May 1 (AgriUkraine) 03/20/2002
  • Talks with the USA on import of poultry are adjourned (AgriUkraine) 03/20/2002
  • Ukraine imposes tariff on Russian cement imports (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/20/2002
  • Ukrainian reactor reconnected to grid after repairs (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/20/2002

  • Ukraine, Lithuania to step up transport cooperation (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/19/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] opposes privatization of energy distributors (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/19/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] advocates domestic market protection (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/19/2002
  • Ukrainian privatization unlikely to yield good results in 2002 - paper [Zerkalo Nedeli] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/19/2002
  • 20 березня у США мають набрати чинності нові митні тарифи на імпорт виробів із сталі (Радіо Свобода) 03/19/2002
  • Російська економічна експансія в Україні (Радіо Свобода) 03/19/2002
  • French wheat competes with Russian and Ukraine (Le ble francais fauche par les records de l'Ukraine et de la Russie) (Les Echos/FT) 03/19/2002
  • Moldovan to get cut-price Russian electricity from April (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/19/2002
  • Russian metal producers ask government to protect local market (AP/Yahoo) 03/19/2002

  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] sees no alternative to joint arms production with Russia (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/18/2002
  • Ukraine president [Kuchma] wants to develop new weapons jointly with Russia (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/18/2002
  • OSCE awaiting go-ahead from Moldova's Dnestr region to begin destroying munitions (BBC/FT-Chisinau) 03/18/2002
  • Talks with the USA on import of poultry start today (AgriUkraine) 03/18/2002

  • Polish servicemen [and military equipment on Ruslan transport planes] arrive in Afghanistan, set up camp (BBC/FT-Warsaw) 03/17/2002
  • Putin, Kuchma seek more efficient gas transit across Ukraine (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/17/2002
  • Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan leaders issue statement on Odessa summit (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/17/2002
  • Russia, Ukraine, Moldova leaders issue joint statement on free trade zone [in Odesa] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/17/2002

  • Ukrainian nuclear reactor stopped for unscheduled repairs (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/16/2002

  • Russia considers steel duties [against Ukraine and Kazakhstan] (Financial Times) 03/15/2002
  • Ukrainian official [Azarov] casts doubt on parties' tax promise (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/15/2002
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] notes growth in economic cooperation with Russia (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/15/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] previews summit with Putin, Middle East tour (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/15/2002
  • Moldova prepares to ban US chicken imports (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/15/2002
  • Premier [Kinakh] denies arms trade accusations against Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/15/2002
  • Ukrainian agriculture ready for sowing - ministry (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/15/2002

  • Ukraine reports forex reserves at over 3bn dollars (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/14/2002
  • Rep. Schaffer Introduces Ukraine PNTR Bill: new bill would lift restrictions, normalize trade status with Ukraine (BRAMA) 03/14/2002
  • Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) (BRAMA) 03/14/2002
  • The Ivaniv Crushed Rock Project (Photo/s) (BRAMA) 03/14/2002

  • Ukraine: Premier [Kinakh] wants cheap credits, pension reform (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/13/2002
  • Ukraine's 2001 budget revenue below target (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/13/2002
  • A mortgage bank to be established in Rivne region (AgriUkraine) 03/13/2002
  • Cabinet of Ministers is going to strengthen regulation of markets of sugar and grain (AgriUkraine) 03/13/2002
  • Russian business interests are at stake in Ukrainian parliamentary election (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/13/2002
  • Paper [Den] examines dynamics of Ukrainian debt, currency, exports (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/13/2002

  • Call for Action to the Ukrainian American Community from the Action Ukraine Coalition - Help lift Jackson-Vanik trade restrictions (BRAMA) 03/12/2002
  • Чи відбудеться комерціалізація нафтопроводу 'Одеса-Броди'? Підсумки досліджень (Радіо Свобода) 03/12/2002

  • Governor [Yanukovych] of [Donetsk] Ukrainian industrial region calls US steel tariffs (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/11/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] pledges to reform grain market (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/11/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] orders improvements to work of oil and gas sector (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/11/2002
  • Ukraine: Premier [Kinakh] confirms sugar imports will be restricted (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/11/2002
  • Ukraine exported almost 7m tonnes of grain from 2001 harvest - PM [Kinakh] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/11/2002
  • Bill to be introduced in U.S. Congress that would lift Jackson-Vanik restrictions, normalize trade status with Ukraine (BRAMA) 03/11/2002
  • EU To Shield Eastern Europe From Steel Protectionism (Dow Jones/Yahoo) 03/11/2002
  • Ukraine: Premier [Kinakh] confirms sugar imports will be restricted (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/11/2002
  • Ukraine exported almost 7m tonnes of grain from 2001 harvest - PM (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/11/2002
  • Cooperation with Armenia possible only after liberation of lands, Azeri envoy (BBC/FT-Baku) 03/11/2002

  • US steel tariffs may spark global trade war - popular Ukrainian TV channel [Inter TV] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/10/2002

  • Ukraine, South Africa agree to broaden trade ties (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/09/2002

  • Ukraine posts record real wage growth in 2001 (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/07/2002
  • Ukraine: Banker [Kravets] arrested on graft charges (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/07/2002
  • Ukraine set to incur big losses from US steel tariffs - official (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/07/2002
  • Imperial strikes 5.8 bln euro Reemtsma deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/07/2002

  • Сполучені Штати вирішили впровадити мито на сталеві вироби, імпортовані з-за кордону, у тому числі з України (Радіо Свобода) 03/06/2002
  • Russia to join Black Sea freight transport regulations harmonization plan [signed by Ukraine] (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/06/2002
  • Interest rates on privileged credits issued by 'Aval' bank were compensated by 53% (AgriUkraine) 03/06/2002
  • MinAP forecasts decrease of export of livestock produce in 2002 (AgriUkraine) 03/06/2002
  • Ukrainian arms exports chief [Ukrspetseksport company's Valeriy Malyev] killed in car crash (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/06/2002
  • Line repairs force Ukrainian nuclear station to cut output (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/06/2002
  • US steel tariffs a blow for world trade - Ukrainian daily [Kievskiye Vedomosti] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/06/2002
  • Bush Imposes Hefty Steel Tariffs (AP/Yahoo) 03/06/2002

  • Ukrainian nuclear power industry plagued by untimely payments (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/05/2002
  • Countries Criticize Steel Tariffs (AP/Yahoo) 03/05/2002
  • Press Briefing by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick (PR Newswire/FT) 03/05/2002
  • Russian Customs Committee suspends customs clearance of US poultry (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/05/2002
  • Golden Telecom Results (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/05/2002
  • 'Financial Collection' in action at 'AES KievOblEnergo' (BRAMA) 03/05/2002
  • Ukraine cuts weapons under European agreements (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/05/2002
  • Ukraine's first mass-produced AN-140 ready for dispatch (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/05/2002

  • Russia and Ukraine to supply energy to Moldova and beyond (BBC/FT-Moscow) 03/04/2002
  • Ukraine, Vietnam sign cooperation protocol (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 03/04/2002
  • Yalta Travel and Excursion Agency seeks U.S. investors in building 5-star chain hotel (BISNIS) 03/04/2002
  • Vidrodjennya: Automotive Parts Dealer seeks experienced U.S. partner (BISNIS) 03/04/2002
  • Amount of credits issued to APK in 2002 will reach 8 billion UAH (AgriUkraine) 03/04/2002
  • Forecast of export of grain harvested in 2001 improved up to 9 million tons (AgriUkraine) 03/04/2002

  • You only live twice [Yuliya Tymoshenko] (The Scotsman) 03/02/2002
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] pledges toreform grain market (RFE/RL) 03/02/2002
  • Russia's Latest Export: Bad Jokes About U.S. Chickens (NY Times) 03/02/2002

  • Pre-election agricultural fuss (AgriUkraine) 03/01/2002
  • Компанія Lohika Systems - українські комп’ютерники в Америці (Радіо Свобода) 03/01/2002
  • Реалізацію найбільшого інвестиційного проекту в своїй історії виробник кабельних систем для автомобілів, німецький концерн “Леоні”, відважився розпочати в Україні (Радіо Свобода) 03/01/2002
  • 'Khlib Ukrayiny' proposed to creditors to rent grain elevators as reimbursement of company's debts (AgriUkraine) 03/01/2002
  • Lougansk region will receive grant from USAID for privatization of land (AgriUkraine) 03/01/2002
  • Ukrainian, Russian presidents discuss energy at CIS summit (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 03/01/2002
  • Russian leader [Putin] hails gas deal with Central Asian states, says progress made with Ukraine (BBC/FT-Almaty) 03/01/2002
  • EUROPE: Clarification: Victor Yushchenko NEWS DIGEST (Financial Times) 03/01/2002
    [Current Month]
    2006 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
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