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  • Regal exhausts its reserves of goodwill (The Observer) 07/31/2005

  • Ukraine gas field deal undervalued by £70m, says Regal (Guardian) 07/30/2005

  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny fails to meet govt natural gas contracts deadline (Ukrainian Journal) 07/29/2005
  • Уряд не стримуватиме штучно ціни на пальне (VOA) 07/29/2005
  • Передчасні пологи (Без цензури) 07/29/2005
  • Kinakh Does Not Forecast Crisis at Oil Products Market, Though Admits That Situation Is Tense (UNIAN) 07/29/2005
  • EBRD funds to lift CEE yeast , malt production (Novis) 07/29/2005
  • Kiev Rewriting Rules on Energy (Moscow Times) 07/29/2005

  • Footwear Maker Alpina Opens New Company in Ukraine (Slovenia BW) 07/28/2005
  • Prime Minister Tymoshenko Rejects U.S. Concern Over Ukraine's Economic Performance (AP/Yahoo) 07/28/2005
  • Ukraine seeks construction of pipeline from Iraq’s Kirkukk oil fields (Ukrainian Journal) 07/28/2005
  • Gas prices spike on refinery closure (Ukrainian Journal) 07/28/2005
  • Economic reform lags in Ukraine (IH Tribune) 07/28/2005
  • Ukrainian Court Ruling Temporarily Freezes Return of Major Steel Plant to Government [Viktor Pinchuk's Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant] (AP/Yahoo) 07/28/2005
  • Land property rights will shortly be registered in 'single window', State Land Committee Chief states (Government Portal) 07/28/2005
  • Надто нервові, щоб бути багатими? (Львівська газета) 07/28/2005
  • Олександр Мороз: «Вступ «залпом» у Світову організацію торгівлі викличе важке похмілля» (Високий замок) 07/28/2005

  • Photo: An unidentified Ukrainian man reviews a street stand with bootlegged CDs and videos in downtown Kiev on Wednesday, July 27 2005, a day after Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko endorsed a law that ivokes a crackdown on CD and video piracy. The law is a response to a strong pressure from the U.S. and it is seen as crucial for Ukraine's bid to join the World Trade Organization this fall. (AP/Yahoo) 07/27/2005
  • Ukraine in quest for Iranian gas (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/27/2005
  • Lukoil shuts down Ukrainian oil refinery (Ukrainian Journal) 07/27/2005
  • Ukraine Begins Gas Maneuvers. The route from Iran to Europe will detour around Russia (Kommersant) 07/27/2005
  • Home Credit to launch activities in Ukraine, Kazakhstan (Prague Daily Monitor) 07/27/2005
  • Kiev probes suspected crime link to gas supply (Financial Times) 07/27/2005
  • Транзитна привабливість України (Deutsche Welle) 07/27/2005

  • Rival views divide top leadership in Ukraine (IH Tribune) 07/26/2005
  • Ukraine Suggests Transit of Iranian Gas Bypassing Russia (Mosnews) 07/26/2005
  • President Signed Law, Halting Privatization of Ukrtelecom (UNIAN) 07/26/2005
  • Monitoring Ukrainian Networks (Cellular-News) 07/26/2005
  • MinAP astonished the market with Ukrainian grain crop forecast increase (Agrimarket) 07/26/2005
  • Розбирання завалів: поки парламентарії ніжаться на курортах, уряд «витягує» бюджет (Україна молода) 07/26/2005

  • Ukrainian police target Donetsk tycoon [Renat Akhmetov] (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/25/2005
  • «Здвиги» не по фазі (Галицькі контракти) 07/25/2005
  • «Улитка на склоне» (Галицькі контракти) 07/25/2005
  • Japanese banks may lend up to $150 mln to Ukraine’s Antonov aircraft (Ukrainian Journal) 07/25/2005
  • Ukrainian Court Orders Ex-President's Son-In-Law to Return Metal Factory Shares to State [Viktor Pinchuk's Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant] (AP/Yahoo) 07/25/2005
  • NRB Driven Out of Ukraina. Russian bankers demand satisfaction from Yulia Timoshenko (Kommersant) 07/25/2005
  • Bank to lend to Ukrainian importers (Daily Yomiuri) 07/25/2005
  • Monopoly committee allows Vimplecom to buy Ukrainian RadioSystems (Ukrainian Journal) 07/25/2005

  • Ukrainian Tax Official Laments Obstruction to Reforms By 'Old Elites' (Black Enterprise) 07/23/2005

  • Police resort to ruse to implicate Akhmetov in 1988 gang shooting (Ukrainian Journal) 07/22/2005
  • Бізнес і влада: краще чи гірше? (VOA) 07/22/2005
  • Знову за своє (Львівська газета) 07/22/2005
  • Ukraine approves Vimpelcom URS purchase (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/22/2005
  • Ukrainian Busted in CarderPlanet Online Fraud Ring (Mosnews/Baku Today) 07/22/2005
  • Ukraine and Iran Discuss Oil Deliveries to Europe (SEEurope) 07/22/2005
  • IKEA Goes to Ukraine from Moscow (Kommersant) 07/22/2005

  • Tim Draper visits Ukraine to start VC Fund (DFJ) 07/21/2005
  • Gassy Deal. Friendship of the Nations. Ukrainian Minister of Justice Roman Zvarich said yesterday that Ukraine intends to pay Gazprom its debt of $1.43 billion for gas supplies from 1997 to 2000 with money. This is in violation of the agreement with Naftogaz Ukrainy signed in August 2004 (Kommersant) 07/21/2005
  • Ukraine in No Rush to Privatize Ukrtelecom - Tymoshenko (Black Enterprise) 07/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko talks with Tokyo Stock Exchange President Takuo Tsurushima during his visits the Asian's biggest stock exchange in Tokyo Thursday, July 21, 2005. Yushchenko said he wants to foster close cooperation with TSE officials to improve the infrastructure of the securities market in Ukraine. (AP/Yahoo) 07/21/2005
  • Israel signs economic cooperation agreement with Ukraine. Israeli industrial exports to Ukraine, excluding diamonds, rose 21% to $40.5 million in the first half of 2005. (Globes) 07/21/2005
  • Rusal May Help Build South Ukrainian Npp Unit (Rednova) 07/21/2005
  • Ukraine’s Prime Minister the New Face of False Notes (MosNews) 07/21/2005
  • Завуальований баланс: урядові рішення на ринку газу потребують більшої прозорості (Україна молода) 07/21/2005
  • Половину зерна не знаємо, де подiти (Україна молода) 07/21/2005

  • Ukrainian Swindlers Out of the Net (Kommersant) 07/20/2005
  • Візит Хав'єра Солани до Києва (BBC Ukrainian) 07/20/2005
  • Молочна змова. Селяни проти олігархів: хто кого? (Україна молода) 07/20/2005

  • No Collusion Among Russian Oil Companies During Fuel Crisis, Ukrainian Regulators Say (AP/Yahoo) 07/19/2005
  • Визначення найкращих українських інтернет-проектів (VOA) 07/19/2005
  • Hewlett Packard збиратиме комп'ютери в Україні (VOA) 07/19/2005
  • A short-term solution to Ukraine's supply of Russian gas (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/19/2005
  • UA International Group Announces Agreement with Eurpen Acadamie (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 07/19/2005

  • Ukraine to Sell 1.7 Percent Stake in Key Steel Mill to Test Its Market Price [Kryvorizhstal] (AP/Yahoo) 07/18/2005
  • Gazprom Shared with Ukraine. Subsidiary to pay for lost gas (Kommersant) 07/18/2005
  • Круглий стiл: взаємини мiж бiзнесом i владою (VOA) 07/18/2005
  • Монетизація по-українськи (Львівська газета) 07/18/2005

  • Ukraine faces gas war on three fronts (Financial Express) 07/16/2005
  • «Олімпійський» рекорд цукру (Україна молода) 07/16/2005

  • Metal Makers Call for Extension of Ukrainian Rod Duties (Kommersant) 07/15/2005
  • The National Bank of Ukraine approved the Bank of Moscow sub foundation (AK&M) 07/15/2005
  • Government preparing special tax breaks for high-tech imports (Ukrainian Journal) 07/15/2005
  • OMV signs deal with two firms in Ukraine [DUBAI - OMV, leading Central European oil and gas company; Naftogas of Ukraine and NSC Chornomornaftogaz] (Khaleej Times) 07/15/2005
  • Great demand for apricot and peach in Ukrainian market (Fresh Plaza) 07/15/2005
  • Проблеми українського ВВП (Deutsche Welle) 07/15/2005
  • Україна перепросить СЕЗи (Львівська газета) 07/15/2005

  • Ukraine: Would Hike In Russian Gas Prices Prove A Blessing In Disguise? [RFE/RL] (Payvand) 07/14/2005
  • Austrian bank nears Ukraine deal (Deal) 07/14/2005
  • UA International Signs Agreement with Ukrauto Concern (Website) 07/14/2005
  • Ukrainian President Slams Tax Service for Failure to Reform (Black Enterprise) 07/14/2005
  • Ukraine GDP growth slows to 4 pct in first half (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/14/2005
  • Ukraine's Economic Growth Slows Dramatically in First Six Months of the Year (AP/Yahoo) 07/14/2005
  • Ukraine's economic growth slumps (BBC) 07/14/2005
  • Ознаки сповiльнення розвитку української економiки (VOA) 07/14/2005
  • Time to Relaunch Ukraine's Economic Policy, by Ariel Cohen, Ph.D. (Heritage Foundation) 07/14/2005
  • Ukraine investors wary as progress is slow [dated 7/11/05] (BBC) 07/14/2005
  • Land Privatization to End Within 10 Months - Yushchenko (Black Enterprise) 07/14/2005
  • Правоохоронці захотіли поспілкуватися з Рінатом Ахметовим (Deutsche Welle) 07/14/2005
  • Нижче «п'ятірки» оцінки не треба: уряд приміряє свої постанови на СОТівський копил (Україна молода) 07/14/2005

  • Ukraine Confiscates Rough Diamonds (Diamonds) 07/13/2005
  • Naftogaz Buys Cheap (Kommersant) 07/13/2005
  • Commercial piracy in Ukraine (Computer Crime Research Center) 07/13/2005
  • Ані за Ющенком, ані за Окуджавою: в українському уряді поглиблюється конфлікт між Сергієм Терьохіним та Олександром Баранівським (BBC Ukrainian) 07/13/2005
  • Солодкий урядовий шантаж (Львівська газета) 07/13/2005
  • Пiдтримуючи виробника, не нагинайте споживача: уряд має шанс продовжити структурні реформи ще в цьому році (Україна молода) 07/13/2005
  • Вугілля — в міністерство (Україна молода) 07/13/2005

  • Ukraine Balanced the Gas Supplies. Gasprom is not aware about it (Kommersant) 07/12/2005
  • Transnational Lending Structure: Ukrainian Case (Mondaq) 07/12/2005
  • Agricultural Minister Baranovski Received Ultimatum from PM (UNIAN) 07/12/2005
  • Ukrainian Court Seizes Control of Metal Factory From Former President's Son-In-Law (AP/Yahoo) 07/12/2005
  • Ukrainian Billionaire [Viktor Pinchuk] Stripped Of Another Asset [Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant] (Forbes) 07/12/2005
  • Official: Ukraine Wants to Ship Iranian Natural Gas to Europe Via Its Pipelines (AP/Yahoo) 07/12/2005
  • Economy minister predicts WTO accession this yr barring ‘stupid laws’ (Ukrainian Journal) 07/12/2005
  • Ukraine to barter away $490 million Turkmen gas debt by yr end (Ukrainian Journal) 07/12/2005
  • Russia delays Alfa, Telenor push for Vimpelcom (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/12/2005
  • The State-Owned Antonov Aircraft Construction Corporation will be created (Government postal) 07/12/2005

  • Ukraine investors wary as progress is slow (BBC) 07/11/2005
  • Local beer brands boom in Ukraine [brewer Sarmat] (CEE-foodindustry) 07/11/2005
  • Ukraine Backpedals in Gas Dispute (Moscow Times) 07/11/2005
  • Свiтовий банк затверджує новi позики Українi (VOA) 07/11/2005
  • World Bank Supports Ukraine's Bid to Join WTO by the End of the Year, Official Says (AP/Yahoo) 07/11/2005
  • Ukraine Gas Chief Says Contracts Signed to Cover Shortfall (RedNova) 07/11/2005
  • Tymoshenko Claims that One Cannot Accuse “Naftohaz Ukrayiny” of Stealing Gas (UNIAN) 07/11/2005
  • Ukraine Squares Up to Russia in Gas Pipeline Row (RedNova) 07/11/2005
  • The Rich Boys. An ultra-secretive network rules independent oil trading. Its mentor: Marc Rich [One company from which Rich bought crude during this period was a front for extremist Russian and Ukrainian organizations. All were pro-Saddam...] (BusinessWeek) 07/11/2005
  • Посередник потрібен усім і завжди (Львівська газета) 07/11/2005

  • Joint ventures likely in arms production: China, Ukraine, Turkey contacted (Dawn) 07/10/2005

  • Ukraine still on course for WTO (Financial Times) 07/09/2005
  • Paper Says Ukrainian Privatization Slowing Down in 2005 (Black Enterprise) 07/09/2005
  • Putin Promises Russia Will Hike Oil Exports (AP/Yahoo) 07/09/2005
  • Ура! Канікули! Парламент пішов на відпочинок без «СОТового» пакета, зате із законом про вибори (Україна молода) 07/09/2005
  • Олег Зарубінський: Сьогодні Компартiя відстоює в парламенті інтереси Росії (Україна молода) 07/09/2005

  • Rada approves 2nd bold step toward joining WTO with agriculture bill (Ukrainian Journal) 07/08/2005
  • Zvarych Confident that “Kryvorozhstal” Ex-Owners to Never Win Case in European Court (UNIAN) 07/08/2005
  • Під прапором Леніна і з тваринним інстинктом: комуністи продовжують у сесійній залі «бокс по-справжньому» (Україна молода) 07/08/2005
  • СОТ: переваги і недоліки (Львівська газета) 07/08/2005

  • Unruly Ukraine deputies impede passage of WTO legislation (Finantial Times) 07/07/2005
  • Чергове протистояння в Радi щодо СОТ (VOA) 07/07/2005
  • Попри все, Україна наближається до членства в СОТ (VOA) 07/07/2005
  • Tymoshenko embroiled in dispute between tycoons (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/07/2005
  • Gasprom is Accused of Irresponsible Storage. Ukraine Demands Payment for the Gas that was Not Given to Export (Kommersant) 07/07/2005
  • Ex Regal CEO defends secret sale deal - newspaper (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/07/2005
  • Prez asks PM to go easy on Naftogaz, wants ‘responsible’ gas policy (Ukrainian Journal) 07/07/2005
  • President, PM to step up pressure on Socialists to support WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 07/07/2005
  • Progress made on WTO accession measure (Ukrainian Journal) 07/07/2005
  • Ukrainian company [SUKHIN Energy Inc.] to set up coco-powered gas plants in RP (INQ7) 07/07/2005
  • Ukraine to Investigate Diamonds-for-Arms (Diamonds) 07/07/2005
  • Верховна Рада ухвалила ще чотири закони, необхідних для вступу до СОТ (Deutsche Welle) 07/07/2005
  • Бої за першу виСОТу: у нелегкій битві, розв'язаній опозицією, парламент таки почав ухвалювати закони, необхідні для вступу у Світову організацію торгівлі (Україна молода) 07/07/2005
  • 'Участь України у валютному чи митному союзі в рамках ЄЕП є просто немислимою'. Розмова з Романом Шпеком (Львівська газета) 07/07/2005
  • Львівські митники намагаються прискорити процедуру оформлення товарів (Deutsche Welle) 07/07/2005

  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny natural gas supply deals said to cover huge gap (Ukrainian Journal) 07/06/2005
  • Showdown with opposition slows WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 07/06/2005
  • Telecombative oligarch shares his vision [Mikhail Fridman, the head of Alfa Group] (Financial Times) 07/06/2005
  • The Head of Naftogas of Ukraine Started to Report. The Cabinet of Ministers found out about his achievements from TV (Kommersant) 07/06/2005
  • Dickinson State announces ag partnership with Russia, Ukraine (AP/Grand Forks Herald) 07/06/2005
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny chief defends cash payment system for Turkmen gas (Ukrainian Journal) 07/06/2005
  • Через блокування – до СОТ (Львівська газета) 07/06/2005
  • День пікетника: протести проти влади: жага справедливості чи просто лобізм? (Україна молода) 07/06/2005

  • Ukrainian Parliament Suspends Telecom Privatization Law (Black Enterprise) 07/05/2005
  • PM says most groups agree on WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 07/05/2005
  • Experts predict a fuel price hike of at least 10% this month (Ukrainian Journal) 07/05/2005
  • Deutsche Bank picked to lend $100 mln for Kiev-Odessa highway (Ukrainian Journal) 07/05/2005
  • Ukraine to insist on barter transactions in gas trading with Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 07/05/2005
  • 'Коли нам нададуть статус країни з ринковою економікою, нічого суттєвого не відбудеться'. Розмова з Романом Шпеком (Львівська газета) 07/05/2005

  • OSCE Project Co-ordinator's Office in Ukraine presents survey and manual on civil and commercial codes (OSCE) 07/04/2005
  • Political rivalries threaten Ukraine's reforms (Financial Times) 07/04/2005
  • Ukraine-Russia gas row will not affect European supply (AFP/Yahoo) 07/04/2005
  • Ukraine suspends power exports to Russia after agency warns of export hike (Ukrainian Journal) 07/04/2005
  • Russian natural gas cuts to come in H2 (Ukrainian Journal) 07/04/2005
  • Liberal Moscow Weekly [Moskovskiye Novosti, or Moscow News] Bought by Ukrainian Media Tycoon Vadym Rabynovych (AP/Yahoo) 07/04/2005

  • Ukraine's Top Assets Are the Spoils in a Post-Election Power Struggle That's Far From Over (NY Times) 07/03/2005

  • Russia still 'Stalinist' says icon of Ukraine (Daily Telegraph) 07/02/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's main energy company Naftogaz warned that it would reduce Russian gas exports to Europe if Moscow makes good on a threat to cut gas deliveries to Kiev, raising tensions in an ongoing row between the two neighbors over the key commodity. (AFP/Yahoo) 07/02/2005

  • Poland Welcomes Ukrainian Takeover of Ailing FSO Auto Company (AFP/Yahoo) 07/01/2005
  • Premier expresses concern over gas supply (Ukrainian Journal) 07/01/2005
  • Vimpelcom to ask shareholders about Ukraine plan (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/01/2005
  • NBU raises exchange rate prediction; hyrvnia may reach 5.1/$ by yr end (Ukrainian Journal) 07/01/2005
  • Kryvorizhstal to spend more than 1/3 of profits on dividends (Ukrainian Journal) 07/01/2005
  • Ukraine Holding Repeat Privatization Auction [Kryvorizhstal] (AP/Yahoo) 07/01/2005
  • UK smallcap opening - Eurogold ticks up on Saulyak mine update (AFX/III) 07/01/2005
  • Ukrainian nuclear energy firm halts electricity exports to Russia (AFX/III) 07/01/2005
  • США допомагають українцям ставати землевласниками (VOA) 07/01/2005
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