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  • Ukraine's Naftogaz to bid for MOL gas assets (Interfax-Hungary) 08/31/2004
  • Government hoping to improve investment climate in Ukraine (Interfax) 08/31/2004
  • Uncertainty over MTS stake in Ukraine Mobile continues (DMeurope) 08/31/2004
  • [Pagedown] Ukrainian opposition leader's staff lambastes police for blast allegations; Ukrainian pollsters vow to hold large presidential election poll; Ukrainian government pays eight-year wage backlog to miners (RFE/RL) 08/31/2004
  • Ukraine, China to draw new long-term space cooperation program for 2006-2010 (Interfax) 08/31/2004
  • Government sets up commission on energy industry reform and development (Interfax) 08/31/2004

  • Financial services commission to scrap tax on foreign reinsurers (Interfax) 08/30/2004
  • Top copyright violators [The piracy market of compact disks in Ukraine is estimated to an amount of $42mn.] (Computer Crime Research Center) 08/30/2004
  • Joint teams of businessmen and tax officers to work on disputes (Interfax) 08/30/2004

  • A War on Crime, Continued [One of my scariest assignments came when I was retained by a group in Ukraine to investigate whether President Leonid Kuchma had ordered the assassination of a journalist. The government was not going to get $2 billion of Western aid unless they had an independent investigation. I ran into people with guns, former K.G.B. guys. There were some real tensions and situations where I felt very unsafe. Although we found some evidence pointing to Kuchma's involvement, it was not clear and convincing.] (NY Times) 08/29/2004

  • Potential for German Investors: Entering the Ukrainian Market (Mondaq) 08/27/2004
  • Ukrainian police hold five for market bombings (Reuters/AlertNet) 08/27/2004

  • Dozens of Internet Crime Suspects Nabbed (AP/Guardian) 08/26/2004
  • DoJ Nabs 103 in Online Crime Sweep [Roman Vega of the Ukraine is facing a 40-count indictment alleging credit card trafficking and wire fraud] (Internet News) 08/26/2004
  • Justice Department Targets Online Fraud, Attorney General Says [Ukrainian allegedly used Internet chat rooms to traffic in credit card information] (USDOS) 08/26/2004
  • Analysis: A Hard-Line Agenda For Putin's Second Term (Part Two) (RFE/RL) 08/26/2004
  • Ukrtransnafta filling Odesa-Brody pipeline (Interfax) 08/26/2004
  • CIS fiscal control agencies to meet in Astana (AzerNews) 08/26/2004
  • Ukrainian Airports Beef Up Security After Russian Crashes (AFP/Turkish Press) 08/26/2004
  • Putin's hands on the oil pumps [see: Ukrainian reversal, Croatian opening; Odessa-Brody] (Axis of Logic) 08/26/2004
  • Patch provides update on Ukrainian oil and gas prospects (PRNewswire) 08/26/2004

  • Ukraine cuts privatization revenue forecast [from 12-13 billion down to 8.1-8.2 billion hryvni] (Interfax) 08/25/2004
  • Ukraine to Pump Caspian Oil Despite Agreement with Russia - Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland [Odesa-Brody] (UNIAN) 08/25/2004
  • Antonov Airlines, NATO to discuss cooperation in connection with arrest of Ruslan aircraft in Brussels (Interfax) 08/25/2004
  • Tikkurila plans to start paint production in the Ukraine (Pressi) 08/25/2004

  • CEE [central and eastern European] Security Market Posts Impressive Growth Aided by Strongly Developing Economies (Canada NewsWire) 08/24/2004
  • Another Antonov An-124 at Brussels for NATO [to carry equipment from Brussels to Kabul, Afghanistan] (Luchtzak) 08/24/2004
  • A Crisis Business Can't Ignore [HIVAIDS] (Fortune) 08/24/2004
  • CIS exhibition to open in Moscow [Fuel, Energy and Raw-Material Resources] (Azertag) 08/24/2004
  • Optimus looks towards establishing roots in Ukraine (Warsaw Business Journal) 08/24/2004

  • США критикують Україну за будівництво каналу Дунай-Чорне море (VOA) 08/23/2004
  • Ukraine: a scammer detained (Computer Crime Research Center) 08/23/2004
  • Ukrainian mafia collect zl.100,000 a day by controlling border crossing (Warsaw Business Journal) 08/23/2004
  • Group for Common Economic Space selects priority accords (Interfax-Belarus) 08/23/2004
  • Jordanian exporters invited to tap opportunities in Ukraine (Jordan Times/Menafn) 08/23/2004
  • Kyivenergoholding: “We, The Undersigned…” Or, The Peculiarities Of Sewage (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/23/2004
  • Kyiv to demand financial guarantees in investment projects from potential investors (Interfax) 08/23/2004

  • Доля нафтогону «Одеса-Броди» обговорюється далi (VOA) 08/22/2004
  • Plane grounded over money woes (AP/Yahoo) 08/22/2004

  • Crew Quits Ukrainian Jumbo Grounded At Brussels Over Money Row (Turkish Press) 08/21/2004
  • Plane's crew in standoff with Belgians (AP/IHT) 08/21/2004
  • Urgent court hearings on protest against arrest of 'Ruslan' to be held in Belgium on August 24 (Interfax) 08/21/2004

  • Понад 60 тисяч українських моряків працюють на іноземних суднах, з них близько тисячі - під загрозою звинувачень у контрабанді (BBC Ukrainian) 08/20/2004
  • Президент Кучма затримав приватизацію Укртелекому та Одеського припортового заводу 'через спекуляції' (BBC Ukrainian) 08/20/2004
  • Foreign Ministry trying to free Ukrainian aircraft arrested in Belgium (Interfax) 08/20/2004
  • Giant Ukrainian Plane [Antonov-124 Ruslan] Grounded At Brussels Over Payment Claim (AFP/Turkish Press) 08/20/2004
  • Ukraine grain harvest bolsters growth ahead of presidential poll (Financial Times) 08/20/2004
  • Odessa-Brody Pipeline 'Could Still Pump Caspian Oil' - Official (Turkish Press) 08/20/2004
  • Ukrtelecom, Odesa chemicals plant privatization still on hold (Interfax) 08/20/2004
  • Ukraine working to ease international worries over Danube canal project (Interfax) 08/20/2004
  • Can You Still Ride the Oil Boom With the Minnows?: Matthew Lynn [Regal Petroleum Plc, which has been developing oil and gas interests in Greece and Ukraine...] (Bloomberg) 08/20/2004
  • Cyberterrorism: concept, terms, counteraction (Computer Crime Research Center) 08/20/2004
  • ФТ: зерно дає надію Януковичу (BBC Ukrainian) 08/20/2004

  • Гончар: ціна на нафту в Україні не впаде. Нафтовий аналітик - Бі-Бі-Сі: скасування ПДВ на імпорт нафти з Росії - політичний крок і не вплине на її ціну (BBC Ukrainian) 08/19/2004
  • Kuchma wants more active cooperation with Russia in high-tech to jointly develop new markets (Interfax) 08/19/2004
  • IMF wants NBU to introduce more flexible hryvnia rate soon, says Figliuoli (Interfax) 08/19/2004
  • Privatization income plan outstripped by 40.5%, says Finance Ministry (Interfax) 08/19/2004

  • Russia, Ukraine sign 2 gas accords (AFX/Wanadoo) 08/18/2004
  • Kuchma wants more active cooperation with Russia in high-tech to jointly develop new markets (Interfax) 08/18/2004

  • After the Transition [The greatest declines in GDP were in Russia (-3.7%), Georgia (-5.6%), Ukraine (-7.9%), Moldova (-8.4%) and Tajikistan (-8.5%)] (Axis of Logic) 08/17/2004
  • Kyiv's Appeal Court confirms prison terms for two Ukrainian seamen convicted of oil smuggling in Iraq (Interfax) 08/17/2004
  • Ukrainian government needs to ensure transparent privatization, says IMF official (Interfax) 08/17/2004
  • Ukrtransnafta denies giving Russia's Transneft status of trunk oil pipeline operator (Interfax) 08/17/2004
  • CES high-level group to meet in Minsk on August 19-20 [Common Economic Space: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine] (Interfax) 08/17/2004

  • How to continue the fast pace of economic growth in Ukraine (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/16/2004
  • Shell drags FTSE higher on bid talk [Shares in utility Centrica (CNA.L) dipped 0.8 percent, knocked by a weekend press report that the firm is in talks to invest 300 million pounds in a 3 billion pound project, operated by Russian-Austrian joint venture RosUkrEnergo, to transport gas from Turkmenistan through Ukraine to Western Europe. Centrica declined to comment on the report.] (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/16/2004
  • Centrica may invest in Ukraine pipeline project [transport gas from Turkmenistan through Ukraine to Western Europe] (Reuters) 08/16/2004
  • IMF experts warn Ukraine against lax fiscal and monetary policy (Interfax) 08/16/2004
  • Ukraine's GDP up 17.2% in July, up 13.5% since beginning of year (Interfax) 08/16/2004

  • FDI in Ukraine up 8.5% in H1 (Interfax) 08/13/2004

  • Most Spam is Domestic, Study Says (PC World) 08/12/2004
  • Ukraine pays entire debt to Gazprom (Interfax) 08/12/2004
  • Kiev court axes case against Russian telecoms buy (Reuters) 08/12/2004
  • Interbrew basks in the light of Sun (Business Report) 08/12/2004

  • CWB Says Black Sea Feed Barley Weighs on Market (Reuters) 08/11/2004
  • Ukrainian companies' debts on foreign loans soar by about $ 1 bn - central bank (Interfax) 08/11/2004
  • Ousted by Poland in 1945, Germans want homes back (AP/MLive) 08/11/2004
  • Crimean government asks Ukraine's cabinet to assign non-privatized russian resorts to peninsula (Interfax) 08/11/2004
  • SNRC licenses Energoatom to launch Rivne reactor 4 (Interfax) 08/11/2004
  • Ukraine launches controversial reactor (AFP/Mail and Guardian) 08/11/2004
  • Black Sea may become world's largest grain exporter (ABC-Australia) 08/11/2004
  • Carving up Turkmenistan's gas pie (EurasiaNet/RFERL) 08/11/2004
  • Naftogaz Ukrainy, Gazprom sign agreement on $1.43 bn debt regulation (Interfax) 08/11/2004
  • Direct investments in Ukraine in 2004 to reach $2.1 bn, NBU forecasts (Interfax) 08/11/2004

  • Kroes completes well No. 187b [in the Lelyaki oil field, Ukraine]; abandons well No. 191 (Stockwatch) 08/10/2004
  • Polish show organiser heads for Ukraine [(I)n 2003, Ukraine overtook Russia as Poland’s largest export market] (PRW) 08/10/2004
  • Yanukovych says Ukraine should reorient from Chinese steel market (Interfax) 08/10/2004
  • Ukraine's government okays scheme for repayment of Naftogaz debt to Gazprom (Interfax) 08/10/2004
  • Ukraine violates copyright (Computer Crime Research Center) 08/10/2004
  • Yanukovych against moratorium on privatization until election (Interfax) 08/10/2004

  • Commerce Township Downtown Development Authority Adds Two to Board [Marina Bilopolska earned her bachelor's degree in civil engineering in her native Ukraine and worked there as a civil engineer for 10 years.] (PRNewswire) 08/09/2004
  • Report: OPEC Wrong...Ukrtransneft Dips (Moscow Times) 08/09/2004
  • Ukraine hails first new N-reactor since Chernobyl (Financial Times) 08/09/2004
  • Sinn Fein concern at cheap grain prices [Sinn Fein are concerned that cheap grain imports from the Ukraine could harm local cereals prices this harvest.] (Belfast Telegraph) 08/09/2004
  • Crimea steps up measures on transport-industrial complex in Donuzlav - Crimean vice-premier (Interfax) 08/09/2004
  • Experts say Russia's scrapping oil export VAT won't stop fuel price hike (Interfax) 08/09/2004
  • New plan approved for Turkmen natural gas exports to Ukraine (Interfax-Turkmenistan) 08/09/2004
  • NBU's limit rates on foreign borrowings are normal - financiers (Interfax) 08/09/2004
  • Ukraine sees direct investments growth of $863 m in Jan-Jun (Interfax) 08/09/2004

  • Sunrise Period for Begins [Ukrainian analogue of the international domain .NAME] (WHIR) 08/06/2004
  • Ukraine, Ecuador Bonds Increased by J.P. Morgan, Cuts Bulgaria (Bloomberg) 08/06/2004

  • Number of Mobile Communication Subscribers in Ukraine Exceeded 9 Million People (UNIAN) 08/05/2004
  • Україна з'їла все своє сало? Прикордонники затримали сімсот кілограмів сала, яке українці намагалися провезти контрабандою з Росії (BBC Ukrainian) 08/05/2004

  • Голова київського представництва МВФ: проблеми не лише в методології (BBC Ukrainian) 08/04/2004
  • Govt contests against IMF estimation of Ukraine's budget deficit (Interfax) 08/04/2004

  • МВФ скритикував український уряд (BBC Ukrainian) 08/03/2004
  • IMF mission fails to review performance under the precautionary stand-by arrangement (Interfax) 08/03/2004
  • Ukraine's 2005 budget deficit to be 1% of GDP - Azarov (Interfax) 08/03/2004
  • Фонд держмайна оголосив про намір продати «Укртелеком» (VOA) 08/03/2004
  • Ukranian Delegation Visits Tri-Cities. Group learning how to manage public works projects (KVEW TV) 08/03/2004
  • Ukraine: Hackers arrested (Computer Crime Research Center) 08/03/2004

  • Ukraine Bans Poultry Imports From Sweden And Finland [Newcastle bird disease] (Poultry News) 08/02/2004
  • China To Cooperate With Brazil On Satellite Launches (Space Daily) 08/02/2004
  • Ukraine pipeline 'will ease price pressure' [Odesa-Brody] (Financial Times) 08/02/2004
  • Ukrtransnafta starts to fill Odessa-Brody pipeline (Interfax) 08/02/2004
  • Ukraine pipeline operator signs deal with TNK-BP [Odesa-Brody] (AP/Baku Sun) 08/02/2004
  • Ukrainian govt. boosts GDP growth forecast to 10.5% (Interfax) 08/02/2004
  • Ukraine: losses from viruses surge (Computer Crime Research Center) 08/02/2004
  • Ukraine interested in investing here [Malaysia] (New Straits Times) 08/02/2004
  • Crimean wine producer survives century of business upheaval (AFP/Malta Times) 08/02/2004

  • Trade: Risks go with growth opportunities (New Hampshire Sunday News) 08/01/2004
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